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Jason smiled, lifting Cassidy onto the kitchen counter, taking the spoon from the bowl and bringing it to her mouth. Cassidy looked at him for a moment with a raised eyebrow, then the tip of her tongue ran over the edge of the wooden spoon and she returned it, closing her eyes and moaning blissfully as the mixture ran down her throat and filled her senses with a sugary vanilla flavor. "Is it tasty?" he asked, brushing her hair back and bringing the spoon to her jaw, letting the mixture run down her neck and between her breasts.

"You're a good cook" her voice dropped to a low purr and Jason leaned in, licking the mixture off her skin. "Oops" Cassidy looked at him with darkened eyes as the spoon stuck to the inside of her thigh and Jason glared at her pretending it wasn't on purpose. "How clumsy of me, let me help you clean it up" he leaned down and ran his tongue around the mixture, taking in every drop. Cassidy's breathing quickened, Jason slid his tongue up, looking up at her flushed face.

Cassidy didn't take her eyes off his tongue, which dipped under the hem of his shirt, which she had put on that morning when she got up to make breakfast. Jason was aware that Cassidy was naked under his shirt and was determined to take advantage. "I want a baby" her words had given him permission to do openly what he was trying to do secretly and nothing could stop him now. As soon as Cassidy's doctor confirmed that she was fit, their attempts for a baby became a daily marathon of who would last the longest.

His phone rang, he growled viciously and Cassidy giggled. Jason handed her the spoon and looked at the name. "Hello?" he lowered the volume without Cassidy noticing and leaned down, biting her thigh. "Okay, get everything ready for tomorrow, today I can't" he hung up the phone and moved back between her thighs, pressing his lips into hers. "Is everything alright?" he nodded and pulled her closer to the edge. "Do you think Peter and Maya would agree to stay a week with you at our place?" he asked, irritation clearly evident in his voice.

She looked at him questioningly and he pecked her lips. "Remember the deal I told you about in Texas?" Cassidy nodded thoughtfully. "The client has agreed, but for the purpose, I have to go personally" he sighed and rested his forehead on hers. "And I don't want to leave you alone" she smiled, cupped his cheeks and kissed him deeply. "I'll ask them but I can be alone for a week Jess" he shook his head. "No, I'd rather turn down the deal than leave you alone" he puffed out stubbornly and Cassidy giggled again.

"I'll ask them, but I can be alone" Jason brought his face close to hers and pursed his lips. "What part of 'no' did you not understand, my love?" he asked like he was scolding a child and Cassidy pecked his lips. "When did you get so overprotective?" he rested his forehead against hers and shrugged. "The moment you stole my heart" Cassidy smiled and wrapped her arms and legs around him. "I love you" Cassidy whispered and Jason picked her up, carrying her to the bedroom.

"Eha" Peter put the two suitcases on the hall floor and hugged Maya from behind. "Welcome to my humble home" Cassidy smiled and hugged them. "Girl, your home is anything but humble" Maya laughed. "Did they come?" Jason appeared on the landing, putting on his jacket. Cassidy turned and looked up at him, nodding. Jason smiled and climbed down quickly, putting his arms around her and holding her chin as he kissed her softly. "You're welcome and thank you, I don't want to leave her alone" he shook Peter's hand and smiled at Maya.

"No problem" Peter grinned and Jason turned Cassidy towards him. "Have fun, I left your credit card in the nightstand, your phone is on the charger, don't forget it and if you don't answer even one call or text I will have to punish you" he kissed her again and Cassidy giggled. "You do realize I'm a big girl, right?" she asked, straightening his shirt collar. "But you're my girl and if I don't hear you at least a hundred times today, I'm flying right back, you know that" Maya giggled behind Cassidy and Jason kissed her again, pulling away.

"Man,I'm counting on you" he looked at Peter seriously. "I took a few days off so Maya and I can be here all the time. We won't leave her alone for a minute" he promised in the same tone and Jason nodded gratefully. "I'm sorry I can't stay longer but I'm going to miss my flight" he pressed and kissed Cassidy again, longer this time. "I love you, take care and write to me" she nodded smilingly and Jason took one last look at Peter who nodded, leaned down and kissed Maya on the cheek and left, bidding them goodbye.

"So you're Nicholas Thomas" Jason signaled to the man behind Nicholas and he grabbed his hair, lifting his head. "And you are?" Nicholas hissed, an eyebrow raised and his expression disinterested. Jason looked at him standing up to his full height and crossing his arms over his chest. "Jason Mallory" Nicholas's eyebrow shot up. "My little sister's husband, huh?" he looked at him, despite his forcibly raised head. "What do you want from me?" Nicholas asked after a brief silence during which the two of them assessed each other. "I want you to scream" Jason smirked.

Nicholas burst into laughter, so loud that the chair he was tied to shifted and his feet creaked on the marble floor. "To scream, me?" Jason sighed and took off his jacket, handing it to one of his men standing behind him. "Let me tell you a secret, brother-in-law" he loosened and removed his tie, unbuttoning his shirt in calm and slow motions. "Cassidy, your sister, is an extremely kind and gentle being" Jason took off his shirt and handed it to the same man, remaining in only his pants, he stretched out his arms and intertwined his fingers, cracking them.

"And I obviously love her very, very much" Jason straightened his shoulders and neck. "Good for her" Nicholas rolled his eyes, but he didn't take his eyes off Jason. "And like the sweet thing that is my sweet little Cassidy" Jason stepped forward and leaned over Nicholas, leaning on the arm rest of the chair. "She might as well forgive you for what you've done to her over the years" Nicholas swallowed but tried to keep his expression calm. "I, for one, am anything but nice" Jason stood up and turned to an iron table to his right.

"And what are you going to do? Kill me?" Nicholas watched as Jason's fingers slid over the array of needles and knives on the table, swallowing lightly. "We'll get there at some point" Jason shrugged and looked over his shoulder. "Cassidy will never forgive you" Nicholas growled, realizing that the man across from him wasn't just trying to intimidate him into staying away from his sister. Jason smiled coldly. "Forgive me for what?" he asked and picked up one of the needles, playing with the tip of it.

Ten days later, Jason held his trembling wife in Los Angeles Central Cemetery, trying to hold back her tears. "I'm sorry,love" Jason stroked her back soothingly as Nicholas Thomas's coffin descended into his final earthly address. In addition to James and Cassidy, the funeral was attended by Maya, Christina, Peter and Trevor, and a whole bunch of reporters who were trying to get hold of the sister to get information that the police probably couldn't learn.

"The body of Nicholas Thomas, the brother of Cassidy Mallory, the wife of the famous millionaire Jason Mallory, was discovered in "McArthur Park" early in the morning by passing drunken youths. According to the version of the police, Nicholas Thomas was a known gambler who often took loans that was not always able to pay on time. It is believed that this time Mr. Thomas fell into an impatient creditor who didn't receive his money on time and paid with his life."

The news of the death in the family of the famous couple thundered in the news and papers, and the two were hounded like game for an interview. The questions ranged from "did you know he was a gambler" to "aren't you afraid the creditors will come after you too", although it was clear that the last thing Jason and Cassidy could worry about was a lack of money.

Jason had worried that Cassidy might take the news hard, but despite her crying and grief, she seemed to feel some kind of relief, which was normal for him after all the years of being bullied and abused by her brother. Now it was important to him that Cassidy could calm down and let this pass so that he could take the next step. He had been informed that Anthony Mallory was back and Jason had to make sure he left the firm before dealing with him personally, as well as making sure Cassidy was safe in the meantime.

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