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Dear hyung,

Love, what's so special about it? Growing up I've never felt the need to be loved. I was doing great by myself, experiencing new things, going ahead in life towards a successful life but with no one to share my success with. No one to return to. Those years have been so lonely and without dreams.

But now, I am finally seeing my dream and that is to be with you. To have you by my side in every step possible. I don't regret anything when it comes to you because I know you're worth it. You're such a pure, beautiful and strong soul that whenever I look at you I can't do anything but admire you, feel fortunate that you're the one I get to fall for. My life will be as empty as a black hole without you, no matter what or who comes in will be meaningless, invisible to me but you. You and everything you own, you love, I am ready to accept it all.

Also, I kind of like playing basketball with Jungwoo and filming mukbangs with Junghwan. I am sure we'll make a great trio. I am willing to take every step with you hyung. Please let me enter your world so I can make mine better with you in it, without you I am nothing. I love you.

Yours Jihoon

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