Chapter 3

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Hyunsuk was a few minutes late but thanks to the kind man he met just a few minutes ago, he was able to set foot inside his shop earlier than he had thought. As he walked towards the cash counter he heard a loud thud as if someone had fallen on the ground. He turned to look at his employee, Yoon Jaehyuk, who also looked taken aback by the noise. Another thud and both men rushed to the staff room.

When they arrived it was a scene to be avoided. The two men inside the staff room, Evan Swiss and Adam Burrier, turned to look at the door and saw Hyunsuk standing with Jaehyuk with wide eyes. They immediately bowed to their Boss.

" What's going on?..."

Hyunsuk asked in astonishment. He could see blood on Adam's lips and Evan's hands covered in bruise. It was an unfamiliar sight, for a fight that had never occurred, once, inside his boutique.

The two men stayed silent not looking or saying anything. The only thing they saw was the maroon floor mat and their shoes above it. Jaehyuk could be seen biting onto his lips, stealing glances back and forth to Hyunsuk and the two men.

" I asked what happened?!"

This time Hyunsuk's voice was loud and firm. A few minutes later, Adam finally spoke.

" We're very sorry sir. It was a silly misunderstanding. It won't happen again."

Adam seemed truthful constantly bowing his head towards his boss while Evan stood silently.

Hyunsuk sighed feeling burnt already. He looked over to Jaehyuk tiredly and begged with a hint of annoyance in his tone,

" Please, treat him..."

Jaehyuk nodded and ran to the shelf for the first aid kit, as he dragged Adam to one of the couches in the staff room.

" You too Evan."

Evan didn't move. He was still, like a rock and that didn't go unnoticed in the eyes of the older male. Hyunsuk studied him for a bit before taking his hands and letting him sit on the couch, a few inches next to Adam, then putting ointment on his painful looking red knuckles.

" I don't why you did it but it's okay. Both of you. I trust you guys so don't let it happen again. Okay?"

Hyunsuk looked at both the men looking for answers when Adam nodded followed by Evan's hesitant ones.

After a few minutes Everyone followed Hyunsuk outside the staff room waiting for their boss to say something. Hyunsuk looked around his boutique, fiddling through dresses, sliding his hands through different outfits and finally going to the cashier. After rummaging and checking around for another ten minutes, he turned to look over at the trio and smiled,

" We were supposed to make prints today but since Evan is the one painting them on fabrics and because of his hand, it'll be complicated-"

" But sir i can do-"

Evan tried to convince his boss but before he could say anything his words were ignored.

" So! I want you all to go home and rest for today. May be the weekend as well."

" What?!"

" Really?!"

" I mean-"

The three exclaimed each one of them having different reactions and emotions to it. One was confused, one was relieved and the other was just clueless.

" Yes. We've been working every weekends for almost three months now. Y'all deserve some rest."

" T- thank you!!"

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