The ''Date''

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5:30 PM
Leo was getting ready for that dinner he has with Y/n. He wanted to look his best. And hoped to impress Y/n really good. He put on a long sleeved black shirt and then over it a dark blue hoodie. He was gonna use the hood to hide his face. While also putting on a face mask. He put on black ripped jeans and a pair of grey-ish black like sneakers. It seemed as if he was able to disguise himself pretty good. He came out of his room, his brothers waiting for him to show them his outfit. "So, what do you think? It's good right?" Leo asked. Mikey whistled. "It's amazing!" He yelled. "You are definetely winning over Y/n with your looks." Donnie added. "You look amazing lil bro!" Raph cheered Leo. "Thanks." Leo simply said with a soft smile. "Okay. I've I'll be able to get there to y/n's place in about 15 minutes so I'll be going now!" Leo said waving to the others. "Goodbye see ya!" He added in running off. "You think he won't screw everything up?" Casey asked. "Let me tell you this in spanish Casey." April said patting Casey's shoulder. "No."

Back with Leo....
Leo was jumping from roof to roof. Feeling the warm wind come to him. As he was going to Y/n's place. Finally he arrived at Y/n's apartment, knocking on the window. "It's open!" Y/n shouted. Leo let himself in thru Y/n's room window and entered inside of their/his/her apartment. "Hey you here?" Leo yelled. Y/n came out of their room. Leo was impressed and he had his eyes staring directly at Y/n. They/he/she wore *insert whatever kind of clothes you want Y/n yo be wearing right now in your vision* and looked absolutely gorgeous. "Wow you look... amazing!" Leo complimeneted Y/n looking at them/him/her. "Well your not bad yourself." Y/n commented on Leo's outfit. "Yeah, I managed to find an outfit that can hide me from being a turtle. "So, shall we go then mr. I an TOTALLY not a turtle?" Y/n asked with a smirk. "With pleasure my dear." Leo answered bowing down in front of Y/n.

20 min of walking...
Leo and Y/n finally arrived at the restaurant. It was prettt bug and fancy. And it seemed like it had 2 stories. Leo was impressed. "Wow and you managed to afford a reservation here?" Leo said looking at Y/n with a joking smirk. "What? Do you think I'm broke or something or poor?" Y/n then jokingly said. "Hey I never said that!" Leo said as he raised his arms up. "Yeah yeah. Anyways. Let's just go I'm hungry." Y/n exclaimed. "Alrighty then." Leo said with a smirk.

Leo and Y/n got in the restaurant and Leo saw how many people were inside. A lot of the seats were occupied by people who were eating, chatting or having a lot of fun. Y/n guided Leo to their table and Leo made sure his disguise was hidden pretty well. "Right here." Y/n pointed to the table. Leo and Y/n sat down and were facing one and other. "I must say you picked an amazing place for dinner." Leo commented. "Yeah. And I'm surprised I did not go broke-" Y/n said. Leo chuckled a bit. "No but seriously- you don't wanna know how expensive this place is." Y/n added. You think nobody will suspect your disguise?" Y/n asked looking around. "I think so." Leo answered. Y/n and Leo then noticed a waiter coming their way. "Good evening." The waiter greeted Leo ans Y/n and gave them both two menus. "When you are ready please call." He added. "I'd actually like some *insert what food you want to imagine Y/n gets*." Y/n answered. "Do you have any kins of pizza here?" Leo asked. "Yes we do." The waiter responded writing down what Y/n asked for. "I guess I'll take the pepperoni one." Leo said. The waiter wrote it down and walked away. "So, Y/n uhm-" Leo said clearing his throat a bit. "How's uhm- school going? Any good grades? Homework-?" Leo asked. "Well it's all well bassicaly." Y/n muttered. "Hey remember that spanish homework you helped me with?" Y/n asked then smilling. "Yeah what about it?" Leo asked. "She said that I really fixed myself and got a big upgrade on my grades. And gave me an A. And I usually get C's and or B's from it." Y/n said then chuckling. "I guess I am really a good helper huh?" Leo said proudly laying his back on his chair. Y/n laughed a bit. "Ig you want I can definetely be assistant to help you with more homework or studies when it comes to spanish." Leo said in somewhat of a flirty manner. "Will see." Y/n replied with a smirk. "Also where did you learn how to speak spanish?" Y/n asked raising a brow. "The way you speak it is amazing." They/he/she added. Leo slightly blushed at that but he cleared his face a bit. "Oh well-..." Leo was explaining where he learned spanish from. Y/n a bit looked over his (Leo's) shoulder and saw their/his/her friend that they were suppose to hanging out with. "What the- I thought she had plans tonight?" Y/n thought in their/his/her head. "And yeah that's how I-" Leo was then cut by Y/n. "Hey uhhhh- I'll be right back! I have to go to the bathroom." Y/n quickly exclaimed. "Uhhh okay?" Leo muttered. Y/n then walked away and Leo looked back at them/his/her. He kind of had a weird feeling that Y/n wasn't going to the bathroom and decided to be a bit weird and follow them/him/her.

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