Slip of the tongue

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Edit: shoutout to @Gena9000 for giving me an idea for the title. I didn't know what to name it before hand so, thanks for giving me a suggestion.

Y/n woke up with Leo hugging them/him/her really tight and still being asleep. "Leo?" Y/n said. Leo didn't though wake up. "Leo?" They/he/she once more said. Trying to wake the turtle up. Even shaking him. "Leo? Leo? Leo! Leo! LEO!!!" Y/n yelled and woke Leo up. Leo then looked at Y/n after calming down. "Sorry uhmmmmm- you needed something?" Leo asked. Rubbing his neck. "No. Just wanted to wake you up." Y/n smirked up a bit. "Well I was having a lovely dream before mr./mrs. Y/n woke me up." Leo said. Kind of in a sarcastic tone. "Yeah, yeah anyways. I'm gonna be getting going now." Y/n said pointing to the door and getting up from Leo's bed. "Already?" Leo said with a smirk. "Mhm." Y/n said. Putting their arms at the back of their/his/her head. "W-wait!" Leo shouted quietly. Y/n turned around confused. "Uhm- yeah?" Y/n asked. "Do you wanna stay for breakfast at least-?" Leo asked a bit nervous. "Uhmmm sure?" Y/n said. Leo led Y/n to the kitchen and sat them down and looked around for what kind of food the two would eat. "What do you feel like?" Leo asked. "I guess some milk and a fruit or something." Y/n replied. Leo pulled out some milk and grabbed an apple. "Is an apple good?" Leo asked once more. Y/n nodded. Leo handed it to them/him/her while pouring their/his/her milk. Leo just grabbed a vanilla bar and ate it.

Later on Y/n was ready to go home. "So, you are leaving now?" Leo asked. "Yeah." Y/n replied. "Would you uhm... like me to walk you to your apartment?" Leo asked. Twidling his fingers and looking away in a shy manner. "Yeah I don't mind." Y/n replied. Raph walked into the room and noticed Y/n and Leo leaving the lair. "Be back soon! Just gonna take Y/n home!" Leo yelled. Raph watched as they left and then crossed his arms with a small smile. "My brother is growing up so fast." Raph said to himself.

Leo was jumping on multiple building and Y/n was right behind him. They/he/she wasn't that fast though so it was hard to catch up with him. "Sorry am I going to fast?" Leo said turning his head around. "I don't know. Are you?" Y/n asked sarcastically. While breathing really hard. "Hehe sorry." Leo chuckled. "Here jump on my back or rather shell." Leo said. Crouching a tad bit for Y/n to get on his back shell. Y/n got on Leo and he held Y/n's legs tight. "Alright. Let's go!" Leo started to once more jump on multiple buildings while Y/n rested their/his/her head on his shoulder. Leo finally got to their apartment and opened the window to their/his/her apartment. "Thanks for the ride." Y/n said while getting off of Leo's shell. "You wanna stay and play games?" Y/n asked. "Sadly no. I have to get home." Leo replied. "Awww damn it." Y/n said frowning. "How about tomorrow night?" Y/n asked. "I'll text ya!" Leo said going to the window. "Oh and Leo." Y/n said right before Leo could leave thru the window. Leo turned around and looked at Y/n. "Thanks... for cheering me up last night." Y/n said with a soft smile. "I really needed it." Leo had a sympathetic smile on his face. "Your welcome mi amor." Leo said. Y/n was a bit startled by what Leo said at the end. Leo also got a bit startled and let out a blush when he realized what he said. "I mean- Your welcome my friend! Yeah-!" Leo yelled nervously and quickly left their/his/her apartment and ran off. Y/n looked thru the window and watched as Leo ran off. "Why did you say that? Why did you say that? Why did you say that? Why did you say that? WHY did you say that?!?!" Leo said to himself. Becoming quickly a blushing mess. Y/n a bit blushed by what he called them/him/her. And then closed the window and softly smiled to themselves/himself/herself.

Leo came back to the lair like an absolute blushing mess. "What happened to you?" April asked looking at him. "N-nothing-!" Leo said. Quickly cleaning the blush off of his face and clearing his throat. Then quickly walking off and into his room directly. Letting himself fall onto the bed and covering his face with a pillow. "I hate my life..." Leo muttered.

(Yeah the chapters boring and I'll think of a title at some point okay bye.)

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