Developing feelings and trouble once more

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Y/n heard a tap on their/his/her window and looked around. It was Leo. "Leo?" Y/n said. They/he/she walked over to the window and opened it. "What are you doing here?" They/he/she asked. "Well- I wanted to just hang out a bit. I was pretty bored and there was nothing to do so I came here." Leo answered. "You mind if I? It's fine if you don't want me to come in though!" Leo said raising his arms to his chest. "Oh no it's fine! Why not." Y/n said and helped Leo get in. "Here you can settle down on the couch. If you want we can watch a movie or something." Y/n exclaimed. Walking into the kitchen and grabbing some snacks. Leo sat on the couch and grabbed the remote control and put on Netflix. Y/n came back with the snacks and sat down next to Leo. Placing the snacks on the small table. "Oh and one more thing!" Leo reached for his little pouche and grabbed *favorite flower*. Giving it to Y/n with a smile. "For me?" Y/n smirked at Leo. "Who do you think?" Leo said. Both of them chuckled a bit and Y/n took the flower. "Thanks Leon~" Y/n said jokingly. "Your welcome sassy princess/prince~." Leo flirted. Y/n a bit blushed. "Oh sorry about the nickname. Just wanted to tease that's all." Leo added. Y/n just looked at him with a smirk and placed the *favorite flower* on the table and then sat down on the couch. "So, how is school life and all those other things?" Leo asked. Trying to start a conversation between the two. "Well, Stacy has been ignoring me completely. She probably is traumatized now that I think about it-" Y/n said. "I don't want anyone messing with you. If they are messing with you, they are messing with me!" Leo pointed out. "Jeez. Over protective much huh?" Y/n said. Leo giggled to himself. "Well, I could be your knight in a shinning armor~" Leo said in a joking manner. Y/n came closer to Leo. "Please~ I can be my own knight if anything." Y/n said with a smirk. "Well then~..." Leo got up and grabbed Y/n's arm, making them/him/her stand in front of him. "Beat me and I'll see if you are truly your own knight in a shinning armor then~" Leo whispered. "With pleasure~" Y/n said getting into a position and launching at Leo. Leo quickly avoided the attack and continued to dodge Y/n's moves. "Hold still!" Y/n yelled. "How can I? This is way to fun!" Leo said smuggly. "I'm a ninja remember?" He added. Y/n groaned in frustration. Then finally jumped onto Leo sending them both to the ground. Leo's eyes widened by that sudden move. "Maybe don't be so smug and full of yourself and you will win against me." Y/n whispered. Leo then put on his evil smirk he tends to have when he is up to trouble. "Uhm wha-" Y/n couldn't react on time and Leo immediately sent them/him/her to the ground. Tightly holding their/his/her arms. "Look who's talking~" Leo said. However though. Leo then had his eyes locked onto Y/n' and Y/n had their/his/her eyes locked onto Leo's. With both of them staring at each other. Both of them letting out a blush. Leo got up and then sat on the floor. Helping Y/n up a bit and then both of them sitting on the floor. Looking away from each other and having a shy expression. While also having their blush on both of their faces. "Your uhm... not that bad with your skills... you know?" Leo said. Trying to break the silence. Y/n brushed a bit of their/his/her hair and looked at Leo and then looked away once more. "T-thanks..." Y/n quietly said. "Y/n... you mind if I ask you something?" Leo said. Y/n turned to face him and so did Leo. "And that is...?" Y/n asked. "Well... we have been friends for about I guess you could say weeks at this point and almost near a month I guess you could say... and well... I wanted to kind of just ask something..." Leo said quietly. A bit nervous to look at Y/n and his face was covered with blush. "Yeah...?" Y/n asked. "Would you uhm... like to... go on a date... with me?" Leo muttered. "A DATE!?!" Y/n freaked out. "I'M SORRY ABOUT THAT I MEAN- Uhm...- Do you well-... want to hang out-?" Leo stuttered nervously and his face becoming more and more red. Y/n looked away. Their/his/her face was somewhat of a blushing mess. "S-sure-! I'd like that." Y/n nervously laughed. Leo and Y/n nervously smiled but didn't say anything else to each other.

"BREAKING NEWS!!" "Huh?" Leo and Y/n turned around confused and looked at the TV. "Strange creatures by the name of Kraang have escaped! They are on the loose! Scientists and the police and trying their hardest to locate these creatures. But it seems as if they have hid away from the public. It is unknown when they will strike or how. But! Police says to stay safe and call the police if you see them. Run for your life!"

Leo and Y/n were shocked by what they just heard. "The Kraang is back!?" Leo yelled. "You know those things??" Y/n said. "Me and my team have fought with them before. I have no idea how they possibly escaped. They could possibly... Oh no..." Leo said. "What? WHAT IS IT LEO?!" Y/n yelled worried. "They will possibly go after the key that a clan by the name of The Foot Clan used to bring them on Earth. So, they can have their precious king back! And all of the other Kraang." Leo said. Both Y/n and Leo quickly rushed to the door and ran out of the building and quickly went to a manhole that was just near that building. They HAD to warn the others about it.

Leo and Y/n ran in the lair and they already saw their friends and family mortified. It looks like they have found out as well. "You all saw it on the news right?!" Leo yelled. "We did! I can't believe they are back!" Casey said. "They will probably go after the key that they used before to open the portal and even have their king return." He added in. "Wait- But don't we have the key?" Mikey asked turning his gaze to Casey. Casey ran into his room and came back with the key. "It's here." Casey said. He had kept it with himself just in case to keep it safe and sound. "I think it be best that we first destroy this key if anything." Leo said grabbing the key from Casey's hands. "Honestly I feel like it would be reasonable for us to-" April couldn't finish her sentence since Mikey quickly took the key and smashed it to the ground and then pulled out a flamethrower, don't ask me where or how, and melted the key. He was breathing really hard. "No. More." He yelled. "Well we got that done." April said. "But we still need to deal with the Kraang." Leo said. "I want everyone that tonight we patrol the city in order to find them and stop them once and for all! They clearly are able to infect other people so we will have to put them down completely and let them sleep forever." Leo said looking at everyone. All of them nodded in response. "Along with that we will have to be careful if we happen to run into them or something. We cannot allow the same thing to happen like with..." Leo looked at Raph but didn't finish his sentence. Raph knew what he meant and so did the others. "You already know... But you get the point!" Leo said. Then he turned his gaze to Y/n who looked at him terrified. "Everyone. Stay on guard okay?" He said shifting his gaze back at everyone else.

The Kraang was already a step ahead of them... and knew that if they were gonna take over the world again... they would need an army... and not just the animals they have already infected back at the science building...

My hero (Rottmnt Leo x reader/Y/n)Where stories live. Discover now