Break In

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The leaves fell off the trees and slowly, the corridors and pathways of Hogwarts withered in the cold. Remus didn't need her to cover class and he was up and running by Monday morning. October passed and before she knew it, November was knocking on the door.

It didn't take long before Sirius was the core of the conversation after a month of him laying low.

Eliza hated the 31st. Not for the event itself as she liked the idea of the dead coming home for a night in the year. She hated it because of all the events that happened. While for many it was All Hallow's Eve, for Eliza and many others who knew of it, it was the death anniversary of Lily and James Potter.

She wondered if Harry knew it or was left in happy bliss when it came to these things. She barely saw the boy as it was, but would listen in on the teacher's talking about him. He was good at Quidditch, just like his father though Harry was a seeker due to his small stature. He was excelling at DADA, Remus had said that with a lot of pride, and he had a knack for troublemaking. Snape sneered about Harry more often than not and called him arrogant.

"He is thirteen and lives with muggles," Eliza argued when Snape told her about a mishap in potions.

"Even muggle-borns are better than him," he would retort.

Halloween fell on a Saturday this time. That very morning, Eliza left her wizard robes behind and dressed herself in the warmest Scottish wool she could find. Just as she was about to walk out her door, a light knock sounded on the door connecting to Remus' office. Remus was wrapped in a cloak that looked a lot like an old blanket but had been patched up in places. He looked healthier, though the pallor was creeping back into his complexion as the full moon was coming in a week.

"You don't mind taking this to the Owlery?" he said tenderly and held up a letter. "I need to put in another order for class."

"Oh," Eliza took the letter. "What are you ordering... and what did you get?"

"Well, I just got a grindylow – do you want to see?"

The creature sat in a big water tank. Eliza looked at its little sleeping form.

"Nasty little thing," she looked behind at Remus. "I remember them whizzing past the Slytherin common room. Uur common room is like an aquarium, you know."

"I do remember you mentioning that," Remus grinned. He took a step forward and hissed.

"Has it been bothering you again? Was it from last time?" Eliza asked credulously as she faced him. "You should have told me. I'll get a heat pack –"

"No, no, no. Poppy would be insulted if she knew that you were giving me a heat pack," humour danced in Remus' eyes.

"Poppy or not, I could help you. Let me write my father –" Eliza cleared her throat. She had read up on werewolves and special injuries when she found out about Remus' furry monthly problem. Sadly, there wasn't much she could do back then and thus she resorted to muggle medicine. It helped somewhat. Sometimes, a little ibuprofen helped a lot better than a wizarding potion.

"There's no use in a surgery," Remus said in an amused tone. They walked up the stairs gingerly. "He is a surgeon is he not? I will be popping this hip often, but do send him my regards."

"At least let me find a way to ease the pain," Eliza begged. Remus had the tendency to not tell her what was on his mind nor when he was in pain. Even back when they were students.

"Some pains you cannot fix." Remus said awkwardly.

"It's Halloween," he started again. "Are you... going to visit them?"

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