Another Break-In

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"Here you go professor," Ms. Chang walked up to her table and handed in her parchment. "Thank you for the extension again. I really needed it."

"They should really stop making teams go back-to-back, but that's just my opinion," Eliza smiled at Cho. Ravenclaw had the honour of playing Slytherin and then Gryffindor within three weeks, which meant that she had Ravenclaw players coming up to her asking her for an extension on their homework or essay. Being a former Quidditch player herself and knowing how stressful the Quidditch captain could be (and this was also a dig at herself), she allowed an extension by at least a week.

Eliza looked down at the name that was on the essay and looked at it quizzically.

"Uh, Ms. Chang," Eliza said all of a sudden. "If you don't mind me asking...why does everyone call you Cho?"

Cho turned around, her hands clasped together. It seemed to be an awkward topic for her from the way her shoulders were tensed.

"Well... no one here can really pronounce it," she said in an embarrassed tone. "One time I tried to teach them they kept saying Cho instead of Chun and we never got to pronouncing the Li. So... my name turned from Chun-li to Cho and everyone keeps saying it that way."

"That's... a shame," Eliza looked away. "Chun means Spring, doesn't it?"

"Yeah, yeah it does," she perked up a little bit.

"Well, seeing as you are my student I'll still call you Ms. Chang but rest assured, I will pronounce your name properly."

"Thank you prof-"

"Sorry, sorry!" Hermione came bursting into the room. "Sorry, I didn't show up to class today profess – Oh, hi Cho."

Eliza raised an eyebrow. The Ravenclaw excused herself from the class to join her friends, which left her alone with Hermione.

"Are you alright, Ms. Granger?" Eliza asked.

"I missed it," Hermione had her fist clenched. "I promise I will do a compensation. Anything. I have so much on my plate a-and..."

Eliza took pity.

"Alright. I give you one homework: Rest," Eliza gestured to the chair opposite from her. "Have a tea and biscuit."

"But... professor?"

"Oh missing ONE class won't send you into a downward spiral, especially not introduction level Muggle Studies." Eliza chuckled. "You've been in quite a state from what Hagrid told me."

Hagrid had told her about it when she last came over to the hut for a drink. Hermione had been knee-deep in law for magical creatures on top of all of her classes.

"And to top it all of," Hagrid had taken a big swig of his mug. "The boys aren't talkin' to her! All this nonsense about the firebolt and Scabbers."

"Scabbers?" Eliza had asked. "What's Scabbers?"

"The rat. Weasley's rat, I would say. But from what 'mione tells me, that rat is nearing the end of his days but Ron clings onto 'em, you know?"

Eliza had tried to fix the Firebolt situation. Harry had come to her in frustration one day after McGonagall once more denied him his Christmas present.

"I'd argue that it's improving your broom skills," Eliza had offered apologetically.

"Can't you just tell McGongall you got it for me?" Harry had begged.

"She already knows I didn't but don't freat. I have a feeling that it will be given back to you soon."

Hermione sat down. The bags underneath her eyes made her look like a child on Halloween who had dressed up as a ghost.

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