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She quickly grabbed her wand and dug it into his neck. Sirius towered over her by a foot, but he looked weak, easy to be fought with. It didn't look like he had a wand on him, but she wasn't so sure about it. The muggle news said he had a gun – did he really? Was that a lie that they were told?

It took all of her might not to run away.

"Eliza," he breathed. She had no idea if her name was said in relief or disdain. Was he happy to see her?

"What. Are. You. Doing. Here?" Eliza hoped that her voice was not trembling too much, but it felt weak and flat.

"Going to call the dementors on me, Eliza?" he looked down at her menacingly. "Would you do that?"

She could. It would be quick to stun him and leave him for the dementors. All of this would be over if she did. He would be whisked away out of her life and all of this would be over.

That was what she should be thinking. But Eliza's doubts crept in. It was the only thing that stopped her from hitting him with a hex.

"Come on, do it. Hex me," Sirius said. "I'm very much harmless."

"Are you?" Eliza lowered her wand but kept her eyes on him. He was not moving a muscle, his Adam's apple bobbing up and down. He was nervous. "Answer me one thing and one thing only... are you here to kill Harry?"

"What?" Sirius frowned.

"Are you here to kill Harry?"

"Why would I want to kill Harry?" Sirius demanded. "He's my godson!"

"What do you think it looks like!" she exclaimed. "Just answer it you big, old drama queen."

He barked with laughter.

"Keep quite!" Eliza looked around. They wouldn't easily be spotted, but it was still very much open though there wasn't a person, portrait, or ghost around to tell the world where they were. "Talk."

"I'm here to commit the crime I was imprisoned for –" Eliza pressed the wand harder into his neck.

"Merlin's beard, Shafiq, let a man breath! IamheretokillPettigrew!" he rushed.

Eliza let go of him.

It was too good to be true. All of those floating thoughts that haunted her, the missing puzzle pieces. They were falling into place strangely. She let go.

Sirius gasped for air. His cough sounded excruciating.

"Jesus," tiredness crept into Eliza's bones. It dawned on her how late it was. She needed her bed. Maybe this was all a dream. Perhaps she had too much fire whiskey at the Three Broomsticks.

"You... you believe me?"

Eliza took in a sharp breath of cold air. She was going to regret it alright.

"Explain. Now." she quipped.

"Not here," Sirius nodded. "In the woods –"

"Do I look like I want to go into the woods with a convicted murderer right after you ambushed me in the dark? Honestly, where are you manners?" Eliza's cheeks felt flushed with anger. Perhaps it was nervousness. Or both. "Besides, Remus will notice –"

"He's here too?" Sirius looked excited. "Wait, what do you mean he will notice –"

"Forget it. Explain now, or leave."

"Your room, where is it?" he asked. "Or a broom closet will do. You like those."

She shot him a dirty eye. They weren't too far from where her room was, but she was not sure if the castle would let Sirius into her room. Remus had one foot in her room once, but it never caused a reaction as it would do when a boy tried to enter the girl's dormitories.

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