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Hello hello!

This chapter doesn't have much going on. I initially planned the first half to have a flashback, but decided it was better to have it in another chapter altogether. I haven't been feeling well, so that was the reason why this took a while (Cheese and bread were never my friend)

Song of the Day: Burna Boy - Alone (also the reason why this chapter is called Alone)

Please leave a like, follow, or leave a comment as it helps to motivate me in the writing process. The end of this chapter is a little mix of the movie and the book.

The sunlight woke her up the next morning. She was in the hospital wing, the shot of sleeping draught next to her empty from when she had to drink it last night. Remus slept soundly in the chair next to her, a light snore emitting from him.

Did he stay here all night?

"Ah, there you are," Poppy walked over. She looked rather weary. "How are you feeling?"

"Uhm..." It took her a moment to remember why she was there in the first place. Then, it came back to her.

Sirius. He was here.

"They're strengthening the guards around the castle – even more!" Poppy exclaimed. "It's not enough I have students coming in sick from the dementors and yet he keeps getting away!"

Poppy looked her over, making sure there was no sign of magical tempering.

"No curse, no hex. Nothing broken, just shock," she puffed. "You gave Remus quite the fright. He said you went catatonic. Did you really see Black?"

Eliza flinched. "I did."

And spoke to him.

"And did he do anything? Saying anything?"

"No," her voice was hoarse. "Has Remus been staying here all night?"

"All morning. I kicked him out last night. He joined the teachers to look for Black and he came in as soon as he could."

Poppy told her it was best to go back to sleep naturally after taking the sleeping draught. Knowing this, Eliza closed her eyes. When she woke up, Remus was sipping on some tea.

"Good afternoon," he tried to sound amused. "Fine Sunday?

She got up and leaned against the bed frame. "Did you find anything?"

"No, he got away," he looked troubled. "I think..."

Eliza grabbed her wand and performed the mufliato charm just in case someone was listening.

"Is that one of Snape's spells?" Remus asked.

"Yeah, he invented it back in fifth year."

"It sounds like a good spell until it's used in an empty classroom," he noted. "That's why I knew you were in the classroom. My hearing went all fuzzy." He pointed around his ears to imitate the fuzzy sound.

He was treading carefully, as he always did when he wanted to figure something out.

"You saw him."


"Did he ...say anything?"

Eliza thought for a moment. It sounded too much like her theory that Remus was against. "You'll think I'm a nutter that was confounded."

"Try me," he crossed his arms.

"He says he's innocent," Eliza grimaced. She should have just repeated what Sirius had told her. It confirmed her suspicions, but for some reason, she couldn't believe the part with the rat. From what Hagrid told her, that rat was supposed to be missing or dead.

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