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It all happened in a flash.

One moment she saw the dog, the next there was a scream as Harry fell from the sky. A dark wisp formed around the stadium. The Dementors had come, Eliza realized with horror. They were too curious about the elevated ambience and had left their posts.

Dumbledore shot up. He held his hand out, softening Harry's momentum. Then he produced a patronus in a burst of silver light. A phoenix swung around the stadium, making its rounds before it chased the Dementors away as quickly as they had come.

The game was over.

Cedric Diggory had caught the snitch and was triumphantly holding it in his hand when he landed. Yet when no roar came, his face faltered. The boy turned around in horror to see the body lying on the pitch.

Poppy was never at Quidditch games, which made no sense as she should be there for First Aid reasons. Ignoring the mud that was staining the edge of her cloak, Eliza ran down to the pitch.

"Madame Hooch, I didn't know – I demand a rematch!" Cedric Diggory exclaimed. "It was unfair. Harry would have had it were it not for the Dementors."

"No, we won fair and square," the Hufflepuff captain complained. "I don't see why we have to bend the knee just because Potter couldn't stay on his broom."

"It was the Dementors!"

But Madame Hooch had shook her head and the game was ended.

Eliza touched Harry's pulse. It was slowed, but he was otherwise fine. The fall would have knocked him unconscious, no matter how softened the ground and the fall was.

Dumbledore appeared next to her, a grave look on his face.

"He will be fine," Eliza assured. Years of practice stopped the panic from showing on her face, but she was still concerned. It was quite the fall. "He'll be okay."

"I'll have a stern words with the Dementors," Dumbledore said slowly. A storm was brewing in his eyes.

She took him to the hospital wing on a stretcher. He was fine, he would be absolutely fine –

Sirius was at the game.

Harry was okay.

Was he just...watching?

"What happened?" Madame Pomfrey demanded. She explained and, upon hearing about the Dementors, Poppy let out a noise of exasperation.

"They've been getting restless! Potter is not the only one who has been near on fainting near those creatures. He'll wake up, but he should stay here overnight. Any other injuries?"

"Minor ones from the other players. I'll help you."

Others arrived in the hospital wing. Some were feeling extremely faint from the proximity of the Dementors and needed a small pepper-up. Eliza tended to these cases while Poppy dealt with the Quidditch players' minor injuries.

Professor Flitwick came by at some point, carrying a blanket.

"It's Potter's broom," he said gravely. "I'm afraid it's beyond repair."

"Oh dear," Eliza accepted the small blanket gingerly.

The broom was splintered into many parts so badly that even if they had tried to repair it, it would have chunks missing. The Nimbus 2000 used to be the greatest broom on the market and had served Harry well over the years. McGonagall even told her how she gifted it to Harry ("I know it may seem pricey," McGonagall had said. "But it was worth it.")

The entire Gryffindor team arrived no sooner than later. Then Harry woke up, blinking the sleep out of his eyes. Eliza left the team alone, hoping that they could break the news to him in a better way. It seemed the Quidditch captain was nowhere to be found ("Possibly trying to drown himself in the shower," one of the Weasley twins said).

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