03 - Dream Sequence Already?

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A/N: I'm writing this fic on my laptop so, sorry mobile readers if the format is weird. I would try to do the editing myself but IDK how- This one's a bit dialogue-heavy, folks. 

Enjoy :)

Fang meets a mini version of his shadow tiger.



Not hurtful warm, nor comforting warm. Just-a-bit-off warm is how Fang would put it. He slowly opened his eyes to... his mansion on earth?

Last he remembered; the place was demolished. Made way for new construction. He was in his old room, though it seemed cleaned up. He stood up from... the floor? When did he- 

He heard a loud rustling sound from outside his room. From the clanging, maybe the kitchen? Huh, he never had a kitchen here before. The building was too broken down for a proper kitchen back then. All he had was his basic cooking set which he rarely used anyway. He stepped outside his room and gasped. 

Okay, his mansion is more than just "cleaned up". Looks like someone outright rebuilt the place! Either that or this was how the mansion looked like in its former glory. No broken tiles nor fallen pillars, the stairs looked grand with its vermillion carpeting. The overall black, light gray, and gold accents make the house look expensive. It vaguely reminds him of something.

Honestly, if he'd known the mansion could look like this, he would've tried to keep it. He'd have to ask help from the TAPOPS staff, but he thinks he could've restored it somewhat. Perhaps it could also be used as another base on Earth, or just his house. His friends would definitely gawk if he had a place this grand. He laughs at the thought, his ego inflated. 

He snaps out of his delusional thinking when the clanging starts again. He finally heads down to the kitchen. 

The kitchen-- and by extension, the dining room-- was lavish, to say the least. If it wasn't in a mansion, he would've thought it was a first-class restaurant or something. Everything looked expensive here, seemingly untouched and untainted with use. He eyed the knife set that looked just a bit off. Same as the "just-off" warmth he's been feeling. 


A cat? He peeks into the dining room, his gaze sets on the chair at the far end of the table. A cat! The same cat he saw when... When...

When did he see this cat?

Oh! His shadow tiger, right. Kinda looks like a mini version of his shadow tiger. Yes, definitely.

"Nyaou~" the cat seems to gesture Fang to sit across it. He does just that. He doesn't question why he's following a cat, of all things. It's usually him commanding them. Shadow counterparts of them, at least. 

"Comfy? Personally, I quite like it here." That's not him talking. His eyes widen. That came from the cat.

"You- How? What are you?" 

"What do you mean? I am what you people call 'cats', aren't I?" the cat stood up and walked over to him. 

Why is the cat asking him back? "You look the part. But as far as I know, cats like you can't talk."

The 'cat' tilted its head to the side, "Well, maybe you don't know as much as you think you do."

He eyed the 'cat' suspiciously but decided that this was getting nowhere. "Where are we anyway? And what do you want?"

"Straight to the point, I like that. Though as much as I admire it, it is quite a hassle." the 'cat' tutted back to its seat, "Surely you can figure out your first question on your own."

Truly, he has felt off ever since he woke up in his room, in a mansion that was supposed to be demolished a long time ago. He still felt hazy, like a thin mist in his head. His mind reeled back. He looked at his watch only to find that he can't read it.

He can't read it.

You can't read in a dream.

"We're in a dream?"

The 'cat' chuckled, "You are. I am only a guest here." The cat hopped off of its seat and walked out of the dining room. "Don't worry though, I won't be here for long."

Fang followed suit, "Why are you here in my dream? What do you want from me?" 

"Oh, I don't want anything from you, really. I just need your... cooperation."

"What for?"

"Your friend, the orange one."

"BBB? What do you want with him?" He doesn't know why he got defensive. Maybe because every time weird aliens search for the boy, it means danger. (He's afraid that he was part of that worryingly long list).

"Ah, BBB. That's his name," the 'cat' grins. Truly Cheshire-like. "See, you're being helpful already!"

"You haven't answered me." 

"...Surely you've noticed?" The 'cat' asked incredulously. His face must've shown something because the creature then sighed as it sat by the giant doors of the mansion. "The boy harbors a lot of power, strange for a frail human." 

A pause, "I don't think he's even human." The 'cat' whispered with finality. 

The doors open, blinding light spilling inside. The 'cat' stretched, seemingly ready to leave. Fang had half the mind to shake out of his stupor and ask, "What are you? And what do you mean?"

"...I am Zlao, and you'll find out soon." With that, the doors closed behind Zlao. Void spilled in the mansion, leaving Fang to drift off once more.


Admittedly, this was so rushed bc I had to undergo exam week(s). I wanted to keep it until this reached 1k words, but I knew I just couldn't. So, here's an overdue update. Hehehh. Just a lil' crispy.

Also, I don't actually know if the mansion was his. Can someone confirm? Thanks.

Fang is an unreliable narrator in his dreams.  Zlao is an OC for driving the plot only. It is often wrong, don't trust it.

Stay hydrated peeps :))))

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