Yuki-Onna - (Part 4)

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Soon a new decree was issued for the workers. They told me to get a whole crystal block. That's where the part of the mine ran in-it started to stir.

— Listen! — the workers heard the cry of the supervisor coming down to them in the elevator, who Haru put in another face. — Listen to the order!

As soon as the elevator car crashed to the ground, he jumped out of it, deftly crawled through a small passage that protected one face from another, to where Haru was just.

— Who will be able to find a crystal block, he will get freedom and the right to go wherever he wants. Yes, not empty-handed. A generous reward.

— Who will refuse the will? I will try my best. And if I find it, that's how lucky I am. With these words, Haru began to work with a pickaxe.

— I advise you to hurry up. — The overseer grinned, — The clerk asked me to tell you that if you fail, he will knock the spirit out of you with three blows.

He got along to laugh, but he sees that the boy's work is going well.

— What is it? Where is this from? — having ordered to clear the way, I went a little further, examined everything carefully, shone a flashlight and returned.

— Judging by your success, this place still has some use. Plemyash, and plemyash," he turned to a guy working not far from them, "Do me a favor, get up here for a while. And I'll put Haru in another place, fool around.

— And what not to do, uncle, I will do, — the nephew nodded and set to work.

— Come on. — The warden called him and he followed him further down the tunnel. We stopped at a bare black wall.

— Here you will show your skill, kid.

Both guys started working. That one, that the other did not go. The warden smiled contentedly, but suddenly felt a chill that penetrated his entire body. Like a gust of icy wind. And together, it is unclear where the white petals came from. But he was really stunned at the sight of a ghostly figure in a white cloak with a hood that appeared next to Haru. The kid smiled at the sight of her and nodded. She clapped her hands. Noticing the dumbfounded look of the warden on herself, she turned to him and put her finger to her lips, urging silence, and then disappeared.

After that, Haru finally got crystals instead of a black stone. And the overseer's nephew is nothing kind. Only one stone.

His eyes bulged, and his hand with the lantern shook. The nephew wiped the sweat from his forehead, turned in the direction of his uncle and his friend and gasped.

— Nephew!

"There's nothing here, Uncle. — He spread his hands. — One stone is coming.

—Try your best, nephew," the overseer whispered in a broken, trembling voice, grabbing him by the shoulders. — Don't let yourself get entangled...

He rushed in the opposite direction and climbed through the tunnel, only his heels sparkle. There he had already climbed into the elevator and signaled by pulling the rope. Two workers spun the drum in the opposite direction with such speed that it almost flew out of the elevator cab. Heavy breathing, cold sweat rolling down his face and a crazy look, all this immediately attracted the attention of others.

— No other way the boy sold his soul to the evil spirit! Crystals heaped up — one passion! — in one breath he shouted, crossing himself. A whispering crowd of people gathered around him. Everyone was scared by what they heard. They only lacked evil spirits here, and they were afraid for the boy.

The clerk says to this:

— It's his business who he sold his soul to, and we need to get our own profit.

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