Yuki-Onna - (Part 6)

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"There are emotions that are not fully considered in our society."

The little girl bows her head questioningly, trying to comprehend the meaning of what she heard from the blonde girl standing in front of her. Trembling fingers nervously touch the hem of the dress. Innocent blue eyes gradually fill with tears.

— We will never be friends! — grinning like a villain from a movie or a book, the blonde said, putting her hand on her side. She obviously enjoyed seeing tears running down her pale cheeks.

"Strong emotions. — This time the blue-haired girl is already older. She squeezes the black T-shirt in the heart area with her fingers. Her face expresses pain. An indistinct heartbeat is clearly audible, painfully beating on the temples. A heart-shaped castle appears behind her, rapidly becoming covered with ice. She shudders at the same time with this eerie sound. — They have no place here. If left unattended, they can do harm."

"Oh, you just like being alone." — Already another girl is talking to her. For the first seconds, she smiles sweetly, pretending sympathy, so that the next moment, like the last one, she smiles angrily, looking at Loksar as dirt under her feet.

"Everyone wants to pretend they don't have that." — Juvia grabs his head with both hands. Her face and gaze express even more pain. The heart continues to beat unevenly and deafeningly, becoming covered with cracks.

"Why would I invite you? The entrance is only for the popular ones. Did you think we were friends? — the third girl. Her expression and tone are no different from the past.

"To this day, you lock them deep inside — it seems that a little more, and the girl will beat in agony from unbearable pain, holding her chest with both hands already. "You hide behind a mask, but when you're at the limit..."

Suddenly, an uneven pulse abruptly turns into a prolonged squeak. The icy heart shatters into many pieces. A little girl's fist met the wall. Cracks ran like cobwebs from the impact site in all directions. It was a teenage girl with long blue hair, wearing a black hoodie with a hood thrown over her head and a blue skirt. One of her looks from under her bangs seemed to be able to turn anyone into an ice statue.

"After my mother's death, our family's life turned into Hell. My father could not come to terms with the fact that she was more, as well as with the fact that he was not there that day. He would rather die with her than live without her. Although, you could say he died anyway. Naomi and Kasumi helped him as much as they could. I tried to help too, but I only made it worse. Of the three of us, I am the most like my mother. It brought him even more pain. Dad couldn't even look at me. I never blamed my father for this and respected his feelings, so I tried to catch his eye as little as possible, even if I lacked his love and care. This is a temporary phenomenon, right? Someday he will come to his senses and everything will be as before. Isn't that right?"

"Things were not very good at school either, to put it mildly. I studied well, but my relationship with my classmates was... terrible. For some reason, the parents of other children did not like my family and forbade me to communicate with me. Over time, the children transferred the attitude of their parents to me and my sisters. It doesn't matter how hurtful and painful the words addressed to me will be. I do not care. But if they dare to offend Kasumi or say nasty things about my mother, I will make them take those terrible words back. And yet I continued my pathetic attempts one after another. I was desperately looking for my soul mate. The fact that I wasn't invited to that party... pushed me to the edge."

Juvia is sitting on the floor, against the wall, looking in front of him with an uncomprehending, unbelieving and painful look of wide-open blue eyes.

You are my ice! I am your fire! - (Natsu x Juvia)Where stories live. Discover now