Yuki-Onna - (Part 7)

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A little girl is lying on the grass. She's fast asleep. She has long blue hair that is spread out on the sides in loose strands. Pale, with bangs falling over her eyes, her face. The fragile body is dressed in a long dark dress, the belt of which is decorated with a ribbon. If you look closely, you can see that the girl is a little shabby. The hem of the dress is torn, and it is soiled, the face, arms and legs are covered with abrasions and several bruises.

The bright rays of the sun fall on her face, making her wince, and her eyelids begin to tremble. She opens her sapphire-colored eyes and immediately closes them, not wanting to wake up. A light breeze stirs the long strands and hem of the dress, glides over the skin, as if trying to help the sun wake up this sleeping beauty.

Then the sound of rapidly approaching footsteps reaches her ears. A voice calls her name loudly. The girl opens her eyes, and, raising her head, looks at the man who ran up to her, recognizing whom, despite the bruises and abrasions, she smiles.

Juvia opened her eyes abruptly. It had been a long time since she'd had such realistic dreams. And this one was strange at all. He caused a kind of deja vu in her. As if it was not just a dream, but a memory hidden in the depths of memory.

Bluehair girl would like to think about it, but after glancing at the clock, she decided to do it the next morning. Moreover, the eyes stick together, and the brain refuses to work on a sleepy head.

— And yet ... — she sinks her head on the pillow, hugging it with both hands, and, closing her eyes, immediately falls asleep. "...what kind of dream was that?"

Before she finally falls asleep, she sees the silhouette of a boy flashing in her memory, a smile beaming on his face.


Natsu often had strange dreams. Their strangeness was that they were connected by one plot. They were not even dreams, but rather some memories lost in the depths of memory, in a distant childhood.

Natsu considered his childhood average. It was hard to call him happy, but someone didn't have him at all. The boy always tried to be an optimist, as his father taught him, and to see the good in everything. And if these dreams are his old memories, it turns out that his childhood was still happy, because he had one, but the best and dearest friend.

He falls on the bed, instantly passing out, and sees pictures flying before his eyes.

An abandoned cave with a river running next to it. He could clearly hear its murmur, the rustle of leaves on nearby trees, as well as the crying that comes from the little pink-haired boy sitting on the shore.

The boy is sitting with his knees pressed to his chest and covering his face with his hands. His shoulders are shaking, and he is sobbing softly. Hearing footsteps behind him, he turns around.

Natsu doesn't see who exactly is standing in front of the pink-haired boy, whose eyes are wide open and tears are streaming down his cheeks. The only thing he can see is the silhouette of a little girl in a long dress. She bends down and holds out her palm to him.

The boy starts crying even harder. The tears don't stop, nor do the sobs. In brilliant gray eyes, a mixture of everything. There is pain, and resentment, and loneliness, and something like hope. Soon he manages to pull himself together and more or less calm down. The boy quickly runs his fists over his cheeks, trying to remove the remnants of tears from them. It seems that he was embarrassed that the girl saw him in such a state.

She is sitting next to him on her knees and saying something. There is sadness and regret on her pale face. They are quickly replaced by a timid, but such a warm and kind smile. The girl bends down, and, wrapping her arms around the boy's neck, hugs. Hugs her to her chest, like a mother of her child.

You are my ice! I am your fire! - (Natsu x Juvia)Where stories live. Discover now