Yuki-Onna - (Part 2)

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"When the cart was filled to the brim with crystals, grandpa and I were told to take them to a certain place. This task was a kind of rest for us, because we could finally get out of the mine into the light of day, get some fresh air, talk and take care of the wounds we received earlier. It was the middle of summer. Hot is passion. So it's good in the forest. The birds sing-rejoice, soaring from the earth, the spirit is light. So we were starved. We reached the right place, poured crystals out of the cart, then lay down on the grass under a rowan tree, deciding to take a nap.

"Wake me up when the time comes," the old man asked Haru, to which he nodded and gave a thumbs—up. Then I leaned back next to him on the grass. The old man coughed a little more, turned on his side and began to snore.

Haru silently stared at his back, unable to look away, feeling pain and compassion for the poor old man. Fortunately, the help was provided on time, so the worst is over. And even the shirt is more or less clean. At least he didn't need to wear it around the clock, as sometimes happened, simply because clean and more or less decent clothes were practically a luxury for them. Since they are slaves, employers are not at all interested in their comfort, only in work and its results.

Removing his hands behind his head, he decided to follow the example of his friend and also sleep. The evening is still far away, so why not take advantage of such a rare opportunity. Closing his eyes, he began to sink into the realm of Morpheus.

Suddenly, through the veil of sleep covering his mind, he felt a slight but tangible push in the side. And also a sharp cold that pierced the whole body and caused a million goosebumps. It was as if winter had abruptly replaced summer. He abruptly opened his eyes when he saw snowflakes falling on him from the sky, and abruptly sat down, automatically stretching out his hands. They fell into the palm of my hand and immediately melted. And then, before his eyes, a few petals as white as his hair fell smoothly. Haru wrapped his arms around his open shoulders and looked around, trying to figure out where this unexpected cold and other miracles came from.

Here is his comrade still sleeping on his side, here are grass and trees covered with a light snowball, petals flying through the air, and ... the gaze stopped at a large stone, or rather, a figure that was sitting on it, with its back to him. A white cloak covered her from head to toe, but even so it was possible to understand that the figure was female. She slowly raised her hands to her head and pushed the hood back behind her back. Haru's blue eyes widened, shock reflected on his face.

On a large stone, with her back to him, sat a girl of unearthly beauty. Literally. He had never seen anyone like her before. Everything about her was alien, exotic, cold, but... still attractive. At that moment, he completely forgot about the cold, forgot about work, the sleeping comrade, everything around. The world seemed to slow down and disappear. And in this white space there was only him and her. A beautiful stranger in a white raincoat.

Beautiful. The only word he could think of to describe her. The thought flashed through my head that maybe life had finally gone in the right direction. Otherwise, how else to explain this truly fabulous phenomenon. He couldn't look away, even though he knew he was staring at her back like a fool. Surprisingly, she didn't move, didn't make any sounds at all, as if she didn't feel his gaze on her. Haru's heart suddenly started beating faster, and it seemed that she should turn around now. After all, such a loud knock will raise the dead. His palms, which had begun to tremble slightly, began to sweat and he put them in his pants pockets, after which he looked at himself. He himself looked completely different, for which he suddenly felt ashamed.

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