[6] You're Dead!

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Word Count: 2,345

[WATCHER intro plays]

SHANE: ooh look! A spooky doll! Ryan, look at the spooky doll!


SHANE: (mocking the doll's voice) Hellooooo Ryan!

[Cut to]

LASZLO: Yes, many an unfortunate incident has happened here

NADJA: Of course, none that we were present for

[Cut to]

GUILLERMO: I can't believe I'm back here.

[Cut to NANDOR leading the cameras down a hallway and shooting a menacing look over his shoulder]

[Cut to RYAN falling through the floor and screaming]

[Phone ringing]

RADIO: (muffled) My name is Nadja, and I have evidence of ghosts in-

RADIO: (muffled, overlapping) My name is Nandor, and I have seen ghouls in this-

RADIO: (muffled, overlapping) My name is Colin Robinson, and frankly I feel like ghosts aren't real, but-

RADIO: (muffled, overlapping) My name is Laszlo, and I've seen real life vampires-

[GHOST FILES intro plays, with pictures of the vampires snuck in. "You're Dead" by Norma Tanega plays. Cut to SHANE and RYAN on the set of the GHOST FILES office]

RYAN: Welcome to Ghost Files; where we take your evidence and our tools into the field to expose the supernatural. My partner, a skeptic. Myself, a believer. Both of us, truth seekers. This week, our team travels to the an unnamed mansion basically identical to the Cranfield House, where movies such as IT wer filmed, to investigate paranormal activity reported by residents and neighbors. It already sparks my suspicion that a duplicate to such a haunted-seeming house was built, so I guess we'll have to see if the history is equally as bad.

SHANE: Did anything bad actually happen at the Cranfield House?

RYAN: ...You know, I'm not sure

SHANE: Then why did you say that?

RYAN: It sounded cool! Like when-

SHANE: Okay, buddy. Sure.

RYAN: What is that supposed to m-?

[Cut to them arriving at the house]

RYAN: (tentatively) Hi! You guys look super nice

SHANE: Hell yeah! Dress like it's the eighteen-hundreds! I should have dressed up. I didn't know there was a dress code

NANDOR: (with a fake smile that does not reach the eyes, looking confused) Yes

RYAN: Oh woah! You guys have your own camera crew. Cool. Whatfor, can I ask?

NADJA: (waves her hand in front of their faces) You dooon't caaaaare

SHANE: Yeah, who cares? Onward! Show us your haunted stuff

[NADJA leads them to the dining room, where the BARON sits atop a mantle, completely still, holding candelabras in both hands]

NADJA: This is the dining room! Things can often move...without reason, in here. Sometimes the dishes float, things like that

[NADJA winks at her camera crew]

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 27, 2022 ⏰

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