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I put Anna on my hip and sling one bag onto my other shoulder, while Maria holds my hand and has the rest of our bags.

Anna woke up a few times through out the flight and is still pretty tired and it's currently 7pm in the evening and it takes half an hour to get to the resort.

I decide to wake her up so she'll actually sleep tonight. "Ria, can you take this so I can strap Anna in?" I ask my girlfriend referring to the bag on my arm. She nods and takes the bag from, giving me and peck on the cheek and stuffing the bag into the boot as I place Anna onto a booster seat and strapped her in, that girl can sleep, she honestly doesn't wake up to anything.

Me and Ria get in, sitting either side of her. I slowly start rubbing Anna's arm ans stroking her hair, shaking her a little to wake her up. "Hey baby girl," Ria says to Anna as her eyes flutter open and look over at her. She groans in response and rubs her eyes with her fists and stuffie. "I'm tired mommy," she whines. "I know princess, but you need to stay awake so you'll sleep tonight and have dinner," ria replies.

She reaches over and grabs one of my hands, playing with a find Ria got me and one I had with her name engraved into it in Russian. "How long till we're there?" She asks me. "About 10 minutes babe," I tell her, kissing her head.


We soon arrive at the resort and all of us get out the cars and the bellhops take all our bags as we go into the lobby and Tony gets all our room keys. "Romanoff, Hill, here's your room key," Tony said and handed me our room key.

"Everyone just order room service tonight as everyone's tired," Steve says. "Ok, good night everyone!" I reply and there is lots of goodnights. I take Anna's hand after she finishing hugging Wanda. "Night wanda," I say giving Wanda a side hug and so does Maria.

"Mama up," Anna says to me. "You can walk big girl," I tell her and she whines looking at Maria but I give  her a look to tell her not to. "Come on love bug," she says grabbing her hand and pulling her towards the lift with me following behind.

Me, mommy and mama go into our room and it was so nice, there was a double bed and two more on the conjoining room for me and yelena, a couch and TV, a mini bar and a really nice en-suite which has a full on jet bathtub.

I jump onto mama and mommys bed and yelena goes to the conjoining room. "Look our bags are already here," I say to my moms. "Yeah they are babe," mama says.

I grab my bag and blankets and put them on my bed. "Ok, missy you need a shower or bath but you need to wash your hair and we will order food, so come pick what you want," mommy tells me and I run over to her, crashing into her and looking at the room service menu. "Hmmm I want pasta carbonara please and can I have cake?" I ask. "Not tonight, baby," mama chimes in. "YELENA! WHAT DO WANT FOR DINNER?" Mama shouts and she replies with what she wants.

"Right little lady let's get you in that bath," mama says picking me up from behind and under my armpits swinging me around as she carried me into the bathroom. "Clothes off come on," mama says as I start taking my clothes off as she makes sure the bubbles are all mixed in.

"Come on you," mama tells me and I climb in. "Mama come in?" I ask her. "Are you sure baby?" Mama questions me. "Yes you're my mama," I reply, mama always made sure I was comfortable with our bodies and we rarely bathe together but sometimes I like to have baths with mama and or mommy because it's nice bonding.
(I acc did research on this and it's completely normal so please don't be making any comments. I personally wouldn't when I was 11 but well Anastasia does so) "And mommy?" I ask her. "I'll ask her baby," she replies.

Mama comes back a bit later with mommy. "Come onnn," I whine and they take their clothes of and climb in, I lay into mommys chest. "Come here baby I need to wash your hair," mama says and I turn around so mama can wash my hair as I play with one of my water barbie and the bubbles and when I say playing with the bubbles I mean throwing them at mommy.

"Mommy let me wash your hair," I say once mama finished washing my hair and put it in a bun so I don't get it in the bath water. "Ok hunny," she replies and I climb behind her and grab the cup mama used for my hair, wetting her hair and then putting shampoo in it and I start trying to wash it but end up just letting mama do it.

Mama and mommy got out and dried off while I played in the bath for a bit longer and so mommy could listen out for our food. "Come on big girl, out you get," mama says holding a town open for me and I climb out and crash into mama as she wraps me up in the towel. I snuggle my face into her chest, inhaling her sent and jsut stand there for a few moments before mama starts to dry me off as I made no move to do so.

Mama had post dried me so I decided to run out the bathroom and into the room. "someone's lost her towel," mommy remarks as I run past her onto my bed. "Oi you come here, you need to moisturise," mama shouts and comes through with moisturiser on her hands and starts rubbing it all over me as I giggled hysterically.

"Come on you now you silly sausage, put your pyjamas on so you can eat and then we can cuddle and watch some TV," mommy says and I nod putting on my pyjamas which were pink monkey pyjamas and sitting on the sofa next to mama who was wearing a pair of short shorts and a bralet thing and mommy had on a pair of grey pyjama pants and a bralet. Mommy hands me my food and I think her before digging in happily.


I laid in bed, my legs over mommys legs and my head on mamas tummy as I sucked my thumb and played with mama's pyjama short string, snuffling had as her sent was very comforting. I could feel myself drifting off to sleep, content in my both my moms arms and happy that my mama found Maria and excited for what was to come on this holiday both for me and my mama.

Sorry if this is a bit shit but also no one reads this book which is quite sad but hey ho so if someone wants to shout my book out please do, I will love you forever x3000 I'm kidding Ofc

𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝘆𝗼𝘂𝗻𝗴 𝗮𝘃𝗲𝗻𝗴𝗲𝗿, 𝗯𝗹𝗮𝗰𝗸 𝗵𝗶𝗹𝗹𝘀 𝗱𝗮𝘂𝗴𝗵𝘁𝗲𝗿 (ON HOLD)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant