Chapter 3

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"Tenn-nii?" Riku asked quietly, his throat sore from dehydration.

Tenn took a hesitant step forward, closing the door behind him as he stepped into the room, closing it shut after he entered. His expression seemed somber, as he came closer, standing next to Riku's bed.

"How are you feeling?" he questioned, sounding like he already knew the answer.

"I... don't feel so great..." Riku admitted. He was still pretty dizzy, his eyesight still blurry. His throat was also feeling raspy, his breathing whistling a little.
Tenn bit his lip, looking conflicted as he took off his hat and set it aside on the nightstand.

"Here... Take this. It should help with your fever and your throat." Tenn roamed through the little plastic bag he brought with him, opening two little boxes which seemed to contain medicine, before setting them on the nightstand.

He handed Riku two pills with a glass of water, urging him to take them. Riku obliged after blinking a couple of times, gulping it down before passing the cup back to Tenn, who wordlessly placed it beside him.

Silence engulfed them, both boys looking anywhere but at eachother, until Riku couldn't bear the uncomfortable silence anymore.

"I don't understand... Why are you doing this?" Riku whispered, averting his gaze from Tenn.

"What? Taking care of you? Why wouldn't I do that? Riku, you're my twin-"

"Then why do you keep ignoring me?! Why do you act so cold around me, and never even-" Riku entered a fit of cough before being able to finish his sentence.

By his side in a flash, Tenn hurriedly filled another glass of water and began gently rubbing Riku's back with his free hand, watching him carefully with concern filling his eyes. Riku continued coughing and gasping for air, his face contorting in pain.

Once Tenn noticed that he wasn't calming down, he scrambled over the nightstand in search of Riku's inhaler. When he found it, he sat back on the bed and raised the inhaler, slowly pushing it toward Riku's lips.

Riku obeyed and breathed the medication in, closing his eyes and allowing his brother to rub his back soothingly. He felt the tightness in his chest slowly lessen, his breathing becoming slower and heavier.

After what seemed to be ages, his coughs died down gradually, leaving him drained. He slowly opened his eyes, watching Tenn who looked extremely concerned.

"Are you feeling better?" Tenn asked with worry clearly etched on his features. When Riku started crying out of nowhere, Tenn could feel his worry spike as he extended a hand towards his twin.

"Hey, Riku, what's-"

"It's always like that... I can never stand on equal ground with you because of this stupid illness. I'm sorry, Tenn-nii... Sorry for having burdened you since childhood. Sorry that you have such a useless brother." Riku whispered brokenly, burying his face into his hands.

"Riku... What are you saying? Since when... Is it because of me?" Tenn could feel his whole world break apart, the pieces falling right in front of his eyes.

"Riku, no... No, you... You're wrong. You weren't and will never be a burden to me- Nothing I did for you ever felt like a sacrifice! Please, don't think of yourself like that. Please..." Tenn pleaded, taking his brother's hands in his owns and squeezing them tightly.

Riku shook his head, letting out a shaky breath.
"No, Tenn-nii... I know it. You spent your childhood watching over me and entertaining me. You did so much for me, and in return, all I did was worrying you and mom and dad, and drain them of all of their money. All I was was a weight to everyone... You, mom, and dad. If only I were never born, you would-"


Riku stood frozen in shock, hot stinging pain registering on his left cheek. He brought a hand to cover it by reflex, attempting to ease the pain a little, before slowly turning around to face Tenn.
"... Tenn-nii?"

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