Chapter 5

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••• A week later

The member of Trigger were walking in a comfortable silence through a corridor of the building they had their last interview in today, making their way to the exit, all three of them weary after a full day of hard work.

As they passed next to the door tagged 'IDOLiSH7', familiar voices could be heard from the other side.

"IDOLiSH7 are still there? I thought they told us that their shooting ended at 5PM earlier. Did I mishear it?" Gaku spoke up, looking at his watch in confusion, which indicated 6:13PM.

"No, I think I heard the same... Maybe we both heard wrong. Well, let's say goodbye to them before we leave then!" Ryuu beamed as he approached the door, a big smile plastered on his face.

"Don't- decide that on your own..." Tenn sighed in resignation as Ryuu knocked on the door without even caring to wait for either his or Gaku's opinion. Not that either of them were against seeing IDOLiSH7, of course not.

"It's Trigger!" Ryuu spoke up after knocking, apparently in a good mood to Tenn's greatest displeasure. After a few seconds, the door opened revealing Mitsuki on the other side.

"Hi, Trigger! Do you need anything?" he asked, his smile seeming... Nervous, looking away the moment he met Tenn's gaze.

"We just wanted to say goodbye, seeing as you all are here." Ryuu spoke up, a smile not leaving his face the whole time.

"Aah... Good work today. Thank you for thinking about us." Mitsuki was avoiding eye contact with him, Tenn noticed, his fists clenched.

"Is something wrong?" Gaku asked when he looked over his shoulders, and noticed the icy cold tension reigning in I7's room.

"No! There is nothing wrong with- us! Us. Yeah." in the background, Yamato could be seen slamming his hands his head dramatically, a sigh escaping his lips as he cringed just by observing the way Mitsuki was acting.

That was when it striked him, Tenn hadn't heard the usual 'Tenn-nii' he usually hears each time they crossed ways with the other group.

Gears clicked in his head as he combined this and Mitsuki's odd behavior together, a feeling of uneasiness starting to build up in his stomach.

He hurriedly looked over Mitsuki's shoulders, praying that he was just over thinking things, and that Riku was right there. When he noticed that the entirety of IDOLiSH7 was there besides their center, he could feel his heart drop in his chest.

The look on each one of their faces and the way some of them didn't even dare to look at him in the eyes did nothing but strengthen the feeling of urgency and dread he was starting to feel the instant he realized that something was definitely wrong with them, with Riku.

"Where is Riku?" Tenn asked, his tone agitated as he was already creating thousands of scenarios in his mind, praying the gods that nothing had happened to him, that he was wrong, that he is going to appear in a few seconds, his face lighting up the instant he notices Tenn's presence as usual, allowing him to sigh in relief as he reaches out to pinch Riku's cheek slightly, as a small revenge for making him worry so much.

"That's..." Mitsuki hurriedly looked behind him at Yamato, who contented to shake his head at him. When Mitsuki saw that, he sighed in defeat, looking down at the ground as he said,

"We don't know."

-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-

AN: Really sorry about the really late update this time again guys, I said I'd try to update quicker before but I just had zero idea as to what to write next that could be interesting. I just had a particular idea yesterday night, hope you guys will like it!
Next chapter should arrive pretty quickly.

Please consider voting! Seeing that I didn't spent hours writing and ripping my hair out for nothing is always gratifying. Thank you guys for your support!! It really means a lot to me.

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