Chapter 7

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"... Tsukumo." Riku exclaimed, a bad feeling starting to set up in his stomach. He looked around subtly, searching for a way out of this situation, but there was nobody around that could possibly bail him out.

"You don't look very glad to see me. I'm hurt, really. You could at least pretend. Aren't you afraid of me?" Tsukumo faked being hurt, whining as he crossed his arms around his chest.

"Sorry, but I don't have time right now. I have to get back to work soon. I'm afraid I-" Riku took slow and tentative steps back, trying to bluff his way out of this conversation. He remembers the countless warnings Iori and his manager gave him about Tsukumo, saying that he should avoid being alone with him at all costs.

Right when he was about to turn around and run off to anywhere but there, Tsukumo suddenly got closer, his face only centimeters away from Riku's, freezing the redhead in surprise.

"Nuh-huh. I know you finished your work for today. Though, I'm really hurt you tried to lie to me. I thought we were friends, Riku-kun." Tsukumo spoke a little too close to his face, sending Riku stumbling a couple of steps backwards as soon as he broke out of his stupor.

"Wha- How do you know?" Riku couldn't help but ask, beginning to feel uncomfortable, a little creeped out at the possibility of being the newest subject of Tsukumo's interest.

"It's hard not to know it when you yelled it so loudly earlier." Tsukumo spoke, looking at Riku as if he had just asked something obvious.

Riku frowned, trying to remember if he had ever mentioned his schedule today, his eyes widening when he remembered doing it that morning, while they went to say hi to Trigger in between two shootings.

"You were listening?!"

"I simply happened to pass by, and heard it. How could I not when the door was left wide open? If you didn't want people to hear your conversations, you just had to shut them. It's what doors are made for." Tsukumo answered, his tone accusating, speaking as if he had done nothing wrong.

Riku was left speechless, as he felt he was going to remember to close doors in public for a long time, the idea of Tsukumo hiding in the corner listening to their every move and words creeping him out to no end.

"My dear Riku-kun, now that your question is answered, why not accompany me for a stroll? I have something I wish to discuss with you. Away from any possible disturbances." Tsukumo spoke, a sly smile Riku really didn't like on his face, as he did.

"A stroll? What? Can't we just talk here?" Riku attempted, knowing that if they left the building, there would be no way out of this mess anymore.

"No. As I said, this place is full of disturbances. It won't do. Also, you just can't have a serious conversation in a bland, old corridor. It just doesn't fit the mood. And it stinks here." Tsukumo answered him, his tone leaving no room for rejection, feigning disgust as he looked around.

"Still, I can't come with you! The others-" Riku frantically looked around, for anything, anyone that could give him an excuse to leave, but they were alone. Nobody was coming to rescue him.

"I strongly recommend following me, unless you want unfortunate leaks about all of your little friends to happens~"

Riku felt like someone had just poured a bucket of cold water on him, giving up on any further attempt to escape from the spot.

"... Alright. But can you at least let me warn the others? They'll-"

"Nope! No way! They'll never let you go if they learned about it. I'll bring you back to them when we're done, so let's go now!" Tsukumo interrupted him, grabbing him by the wrist as he began dragging him to the elevator.

"But if I leave like that, they might freak out and call-"

"I'll ask the receptionist to tell them that you're with me, were they to ask. Problem solved, now hurry, I don't have all day!" He interrupted him again, seemingly not caring about any complaints Riku had, forcing him to resign and anxiously follow the older man out of the building and into the cold air of the night, silently praying and worrying about his friends he left behind without even being able to inform about his whereabouts, anxiety creeping in his stomach as he listened to Tsukumo rant about something Riku did not care enough to listen, as he followed Tsukumo towards only he knew where.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 12, 2022 ⏰

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