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"Oh My... Tae keep it low my ears" Jimin said

"How do you expect me to keep it low? My bestfriend is getting engaged in two days and we are getting to know that now?" Tae asked looking back and forth at Jimin and Jungkook

"Speak for yourself Tae" Jungkook shrugged

"What? He knew? Am I the last one to know this?" Taehyung asked

"Its not like that, its an arranged marriage mostly done for business purposes, if we join hands it'll be profiting for some people so..... I'm not in love with him Tae" Jimin said

"Minnie you can always back off if you dont want this, I'm sure your parents will understand"

"No I want this, we'll prolly get divorced after one or two years, so that is not a big deal. And above all I still have 3 more years so we'll not have to stay together always"

"Is that it really? You sure you wont love him back?" Jungkook asked piercing right through Jimin's heart

"Y-Yeah " Jimin said

"That doesn't sound assuring Minnie" Tae said


"No you dont have to say anything, if its bound to be it'll be. I always want the best for you Minnie. And sounds like he's a good person, otherwise he wouldn't agree to a contract marriage and stuff"

"Yoongi really is a good man, he's intimidating at first but man he is fun to be around with, I assure you. He talks a lot once he get comfortable and above all a wise one too" Jungkook told a little smile playing on his lips

Jimin was actually happy to hear all that about his mate he wanted Jungkook to go on with complimenting Yoongi. The stupid mate bond, yeah he blamed it all on that not even knowing slowly he was falling in to the depths of loving Yoongi as his only one

"Anyways , its in two days right? when are you planning to leave?" Tae said

"Oh my Papa will be here tomorrow so from here we'll go straight to Daegu, and not only me you all are coming with me too. I need my friends with me." He said

"Well that's cool, but will there be a lot of people? I dont know much about marriages coz I've never been to one, never was interested too" Tae said

"That's unbelievable.... never attended a marriage?" Jungkook asked to which Tae nodded

"Whoa..... there will be our close friends and relatives only since its an engagement, for marriage there will be more people, But you can't see the engagement ceremony"

"Why? then why are we invited" Tae whined

"Uhm it's our tradition... and it's held in a temple, somewhere on a Mountain, and only our parents, the priest and us are advised to be present there.... its the symbol of trust between two families and there will be a lot of prayers and rituals that have to be done so..... but dont worry there will be a reception in the evening, so you are invited for that" Jimin said

LUNAMOVAS (TAEKOOK, YOONMIN)Where stories live. Discover now