✧*。they're bored

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"Wow, who knew a stakeout could be this thrilling," Liz commented sarcastically from her position in the passenger seat of her girlfriend's little yellow car.

"Stop complaining." Rei tried to be stern but the yawn she was attempting to stifle was making it near impossible.

"You're as bored as I am!" Liz accused and reached over to push Rei's shoulder playfully.

Rei groaned aloud and buried her head in the steering wheel. "Okay, okay, this stakeout is boring."

"Thank you." Appeased by Rei admitting she was right Liz stretched her arms as best she could in the cramped quarters of the car and relaxed into her seat.

"We're only here because we both agreed we wanted to spy on my parents." Rei reminded her impatient girlfriend, her voice a bit muffled due to her face being pressed against the steering wheel. "You know, make sure they aren't selling their house."

Liz raised an eyebrow and gestured at the dusky landscape outside the car. "Even if they were going to this realtor, I can't see them, or the realtor's office for that matter, so what's the use?"

Rei sat up and squinted outside, unfortunately, it was getting misty and she could see no way of getting out of admitting defeat. She sighed audibly before replying.

"Yeah, these clouds are ruining our chances. Should we just go?"

Liz nodded her agreement and patted Rei's knee comfortingly. Rei glanced over and gave her girlfriend an appreciative smile before she started the ignition and steered the car onto the road.

Rei drove slowly as the fog rolled down from the clouds and made the road difficult to navigate. She persevered for a few miles before she gave up, pulled onto a wide shoulder of the road and shut the engine off.

"I don't think we're going anywhere for a while," Rei said apologetically, unbuckling her seat belt and turning to face Liz. "Unless you wanted to have a go at navigating this fog?"

Liz grimaced and removed her own seatbelt. "No thank you, I'd rather avoid tragedy today."

Rei chuckled and leaned in to press a kiss to Liz's cheek. "Even when we're stranded on the highway you make me laugh."

"Oh, I'm glad I amuse you." Liz retorted, pretending to be offended so she didn't have to reciprocate her own appreciation of Rei verbally. She wasn't very adept at expressing or receiving love and affection through words, preferring instead to deflect others love with sarcasm or wit.

Rei shook her head, far to used to Liz's defence mechanisms to pay them any attention and ran her fingers through her hair. "We thought we were bored before, I'm fairly certain it's about to get worse."

Liz turned to look at Rei and was about to agree when she saw her girlfriend idly playing with her luscious hair. She was clad in her usual black leather jacket, baggy jeans and a pair of white shoes. Despite being fully clothed and looking somewhat irritated, there was something about her that never failed to make Liz's breath catch in her throat and her heart skip a beat.

A sly smile slowly lit up Liz's features as she took a moment to drink in her girlfriend's beauty.

"I think I may know how to occupy our time wisely." Liz began, a mischievous twinkle in her eye as she reached over and grasped the zipper of Rei's jacket.

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