✧*。the barmaid

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Liz's not been to a club before. She's not dressed up to dance dirty with her friends in a crowd of sweaty and horny frat boys, she's just there to sit back and nurse a few beers down while listening to the line-up of local live bands. Most people are mingling on the floorspace in front of the small stage, waiting for the first band to set up.

The first band starts playing a really upbeat song and people begin thrashing and swaying along with the heavy drumbeats. Then, a tall girl in a slight messy bun makes her way over to her table, carrying a beer.

Liz tears her eyes away from the stage to meet the girl's gaze as she screws off the cap with a dish towel and sets it down on the table, sliding it towards Liz.

"Hey there," the girl smiles wide, showing off her pearly whites. "I saw you across the room from the bar and I couldn't not say hello to such a pretty lady"

Liz is probably blushing very hard because she can feel her face and ears warm up considerably, but it's not like anyone can tell with the shit lighting. She reaches her hand out to grasp the neck of the frosty bottle.

"Thank you."

Liz nods in acknowledgement to the cute barmaid, taking a small sip without breaking eye contact. She can't tell what colour the girl's eyes are, but her irises are so dark that they're almost black.

"No problem, it's on the house. It's great to see new faces around here"

The girl motions her hands toward the space next to Liz.

"May I join you? My shift is ending and you do seem rather lonely." Liz nods maybe a little to enthusiastically because a drop of beer slips over her lips and down her throat.

The barmaid darts her hand out, slowly swiping her thumb upward against the drop on Liz's jugular, stopping at the junction near her jaw. Liz doesn't look away from her eyes, but the woman's gaze is now fixated on where her thumb rests against the quickening pulse of her carotid artery.

Liz gulps as she feels the barmaid's nail dig into her flesh slightly, but she doesn't shrug the girl off because she's mesmerised by the mix of twinkling and intensity in those burning eyes. She's actually not weirded out, Liz's actually kind of... intrigued?

"My name's Rei," the barmaid pulls her hand back then she sits and scoots up really close to Liz, taking out a small metal flask from the back pocket of her loose blue jeans. She sets it down in front of herself but doesn't take a swig from it. Liz's starting to get fidgety in her seat because this is definitely a possible twist of excitement for the night.... er, early morning. It's after midnight.

"What've you got there?" Liz asks, truly curious.

Rei snakes her hand over the back of the seat behind Liz's head, a smirk playing over her pursed crimson lips.

"Just a little something to tide me over later. You definitely wouldn't like it though... I have... a specific diet that i'm following."

Liz nods slowly, setting her drink back down onto the table. If it's not an alcoholic beverage it's probably some kind over super healthy green purée that health freaks drink for all meals.

"My friends are playing next, I'll introduce you to them after, yeah?"

Liz nods again, deciding it would not be unwelcome to lean into Rei. The brown-haired girl slides her arm down and wraps it tightly around Liz's slender waist, squeezing her fingers into her side lightly. The first band finishes playing and marches off the stage and the next band files on.

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