✧*。red dress

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Liz’s skin burned like fire under the strobe lighting. Her hips flicked from side to side, waist twisting as she panted for breath, hair flying and sending sparkling beads of sweat into the air. Bright brown eyes glinted past thick lashes, lips parted and teeth shining through. Her cream dress flicked up, exposing just enough leg to tantalise without showing too much. Her skin glistened.

In Busan, she was just Liz. A sister, a teammate and a student.

Out here, though, in the nightclubs, she could be whoever she wanted to be.

Guys and girls closed in around her, each dancing to draw her attention, many faltering but smiling hopefully her way, trying to earn a flirtatious wink or a touch of her hand. She favoured each with a wide grin and burning eyes, rewarding them for their courage even if they didn’t stand out, even if they weren’t hot or were clumsy or shyly averted their eyes.

They tried, and for that she adored them.

That didn’t mean they had a chance. She wasn’t looking for romance and a night out dancing was a way to unwind, not pick up a complicated relationship. Under the changing lights and with the floor booming to the bass, she could unwind and let loose. They might have desired more, and she’d dance with them if they wished, but that was all it was.

Did that make her a tease? Wonyoung would probably say so. She didn’t think it did. There were no promises made, no contracts signed. Dancing with someone was just that; dancing. She didn’t kiss and tell, or even kiss at all. Anyone that tried would get a finger over their lips, a wink and a gentle push away. Try and force the issue and she’d go harder, but few did. They knew the rules of the dancefloor.

If only the others could be convinced to come out.

Hyunseo was too young, but Wonyoung and Yujin would fit in. Not that she expected either to appreciate the suggestion, hence why she never made it. Oh, she’d thrown the offer out once, but Wonyoung sounded scandalised and Yujin complained that she didn’t want to get drunk and pick up guys. As if that was what it was all about. It was just a little fun.

At least I can have some on my own, she thought, shaking her hips as another girl bowed out, flushed with sweat and too tired to continue. Liz was feeling it herself and stepped to the side, ready to slip off for a drink.

Eyes like molten gold stopped her.

Smouldering. Breath-taking. For a second she thought it was Yujin and the black hair helped, but one look at the sensual smirk on that smooth face wiped those thoughts away. Maybe if Yujin had her seductiveness scaled up to eleven. The woman wore a red dress that barely reached past her thigh, long legs that went on forever and black heels. A single golden anklet tinkled from one ankle as she swayed forward, each step matching the beat.

Liz’s eyes roamed higher, up over tight curves and a voluptuous bosom, past gold emblems etched across the woman’s dress, creamy skin and a black collar wrapped tight around a slender neck. The woman’s lips caught her eyes for a few seconds, deliciously full and curled upwards in a barely concealed smile. With the eyes also locked onto her as she came forward, the message was clear.

A challenger approached.

Liz’s answering smile said it all. Whipping her head to the side, she dashed off the sweat and began swaying, moving to the beat as a new song began. Call it childish but she was the queen of the dance floor and that meant fighting off challengers. This woman walked the walk, but could she talk the talk?

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⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Feb 11, 2023 ⏰

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