Chapter 1

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"Come on, Kaito," Logan led his dog by his leash into the abandoned building, looking menacing in the pale moonlight. The building had interrupted Logan's sleep for days now; He needed to investigate. This place was supposed to be abandoned and yet, every night an ominous blue-purple glow came from the windows. Every. Night. It was getting obnoxious. He took a deep breath and forced the rusted double doors open. It was dark, really dark. Kaito whimpered in fear and Logan second-guessed himself. Maybe he should've brought the guys? They could fight better than him and what if the Kraang was involved? What would he do then?

He ignored his doubts and pushed on, pulling out a flashlight to illuminate his way, and a pocket knife; Just in case. As he walked down the dark hallway, examining his surroundings. Rust eroded parts of the walls, leaving holes, dust was everywhere and there was this eerie, quiet hum coming from farther down the hall. Everything was still and quiet, too quiet besides the low hum. An abandoned building should have rats or something right? Some animal moving in the dark looking for food or shelter?

Logan creeped slowly down the hallway towards a door at the very end. The hum grew louder as he approached. Under and around the door had the same glow Logan had seen in the previous night. He took another deep breath, not realizing he had been holding it. Kaito growled at the door and bristled in fear. He tried to pull away from Logan.

"Kaito, it's okay, I've got you," Logan whispered.

Little did he know how wrong he was.
He slowly pushed the door open slightly and peaked inside. The room looked brand new compared to the rest of the building. He pushed the door open fully and stepped inside.A huge glass tube filled the middle of the room, touching the floor to the ceiling, it was filled with a blue-green-purple fluid. A control panel surrounded the tube beeping quietly. There was something familiar about the tube. Mutigent. It had to be.

An alarm went off and kraang droids filled the room. Shit, he had been caught. He backed up towards the control panel.

"Come on guys, let's talk about this," Logan wagered.

A kraang droid fired to his left. "I'll take that as a no."

The droid's lazers filled the room and Kaito pulled away from Logan. Logan yelled for Katio to come back, to hide, something, but he didn't listen. The dog had one objective in mind; protect Logan. Logan tried to find an escape as the kraang droids backed him farther towards the center of the room. Logan tripped over himself in a panic and fell backwards. His hands landed on the control panel.

"Self-destruct in 10.."

An alarm blared over Logan's head and a countdown started. Why would they even have a self-destruct button? Logan asked himself.


Logan looked for Kaito so they could run together. He wouldn't leave his dog here, not if he could help it.


Kaito was still busy handing the kraang's asses to them.

"Kaito, run!"


Kaito didn't understand, how could he? He was only a dog. The best dog in the world, but yet, still a dog.


A tear escaped Logan's eye and fell to the aluminum floor of the kraang's hideout. He couldn't escape, the door was sealed tight behind them. This was it.


All of the droids were on the ground, inmoble, thanks to Kaito.


"Kaito, come!" Logan yelled.


It's too late. They failed to escape, and now, they were going to die. Logan went to the farthest corner, Kaito followed.

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