Chapter 4

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Today was the day Logan could walk again. A whole month had passed since the explosion crushed Logan's leg. He couldn't wait for Donnie to remove his splint, and to start training. He would never leave himself defenseless again. Logan's phone alarm ripped him away from his dream filled sleep. Logan pushed away the embarrassing fantasies before leaping out of bed. Usually Logan had to sluggishly drag himself out of bed, but today was different. Today, Logan had hope.

    Logan pushed off his covers and tried to pick out a semi nice outfit. One that would make him feel good. Too bad he hardly fit anything he used to wear. After getting mutated, Logan went from 5'7 to 5'11 and gained a bit of muscle, making all of his clothes tight besides his sweaters and basketball shorts. All of his pants also fit super awkwardly on his animal shaped legs so, Logan lived in basketball shorts and sweaters, not that he was complaining. At least he was comfortable. Logan slipped on a pair of red basketball shorts, his binder and a large black hoodie. It was the best he was going to get. He grabbed his crutches and his sketchbook before limping out into the kitchen, praying Donnie was already awake. He wasn't.

    "Morning, Logan," Leo, of course, was already awake. "Today's the day you get your splint off right?"

    Logan nodded and took a seat next to Leo at the table. He pulled out a pencil and opened a page in his sketchbook. An unfinished drawing from the other day.

    "According to Don, yeah it should be coming off today. It hurts waiting for him to get up," Logan laughed.

    He started working on the sketch. It was a dream he had a few nights ago. Embarrassingly enough, in the dream, Donnie had asked Logan to dance. Of course he said yes, and they danced the night away. As a hopeless romantic, he had to get the dream out of his head somehow, and drawing was his only outlet. A quiet laugh came from behind Logan, and his sketchbook was pulled from his grasp.

    "Is that Donnie!? Let me see!" Leo laughed.

    Logan panicked, "Give it back Leo! Please don't look!"

He chased Leo around the table, reaching for the embarrassing page. Logan's face burned with embarrassment and shame. Leo danced around the table making kissy faces at Logan, in tears from laughing. Leo eventually stopped and handed the book back to Logan, after looking through almost all of the pages in his book. That's it, his life was over.

"That's a lot of Donnie drawings, hm?" Leo teased.

"Shut up Leo," Logan muttered.

Leo kind of felt bad for teasing him. He really did look shameful.

"Hey, relax, I'm just teasing. I'm rooting for you, and I promise this won't circle back to Donnie."

Logan sighed in relief before hearing a voice behind him, making him jump out of his skin.
"What won't circle back to me?"

Of course Donnie woke up now. Logan snapped his sketchbook shut and glared at Leo who was holding back snickers.

"Nothing Don. Can I get my splint off now? Pleaseeeeee!"

Donnie chuckled and nodded, "Follow me."
Donnie led Logan into his lab and sat him down on the cot Logan had become all too familiar with. After taking a few x-rays Donnie confirmed that it was time for the split to come off. Logan put his crutches off to the side and shifted in his seat, too excited to sit still.

"Logan, sit still!" Donnie laughed. "I get you're excited but I need you to sit still for me to take your splint off."

Logan forced himself to sit still, picking at his nails, or well claws, out of anxiousness. Donnie started taking off the splint, then the bandages came off. Logan cringed looking at his leg.

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