Chapter 3

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A week had passed since Logan was forced to leave his home, and move in with the turtles. It was a lot calmer and more normal than he imagined it would be. Once Logan's leg healed, he would be able to start training with them. Logan was tired of being defenseless. Well, if his leg healed that is. It felt like he had been broken forever. He was told that under Donnie's care he would be better in no time, but Logan had his doubts. It's not that Logan didn't believe in his friend, he just couldn't help but be scared for the future his leg might refuse him from getting. Logan wasn't so sure if he'd ever get better.

Logan sat on the cot in Donnie's lab waiting for him. He was told to meet him in the lab for a check up on his leg.He could hear voices outside of the room. Was Donnie telling them that Logan would be crippled forever? That his leg couldn't be saved? Logan's thoughts raced through his head. Thoughts of doubt and panic. He felt his chest tighten. He started to shake and his breath caught. Tears gathered in his eyes threatening to fall. He tucked his good leg under his chin and wrapped his arms around himself. He couldn't do anything. He was frozen. His mind filled with fog, blocking out everything important.

"Logan, are you- Logan!"

Donnie ran over to Logan. He was used to his friends' panic attacks. He had them frequently. He always got nervous trying to help though. He never understood his own emotions, nevermind others. Seeing others cry made him nervous and uncomfortable. Donnie grabbed Logan's wrists gently, making Logan look up at him. Donnie's heart wretched seeing the terror in Logan's eyes.

"Logan, look at me. Breathe. What's wrong?"

Crap, he hadn't heard Donnie come in. He sniffed and wiped his eyes, looking away in shame. He wanted to say he was okay, that everything was fine, but nothing came out. His words were stuck in his throat. There was no way for him to speak. He shook harder.

"Logan, can you talk right now?" Donnie whispered.

The question surprised him. Donnie understood? He was talking so quietly, and understood that Logan was unable to speak.


Logan shook his head to say no.
Donnie nodded and sat on the cot next to Logan, letting go of his wrists.

"I get it. I have panic attacks too, and I get overstimulated easily. That's why I learned sign language for when I can't talk. Maybe I could teach you sometime?"

Donnie spoke so softly, that Logan needed to really listen to understand what was being said. It distracted him from his thoughts. He agreed to Donnie's suggestion and he smiled.

"Okay, I know you probably don't want to be touched right now, but I need to check your leg. Can I do that?"

Logan nodded and Donnie moved off of the cot kneeling in front of Logan's leg. He removed the splint and the wrappings, moving it slightly to see how much it had repaired. Logan flinched as a slight pain shot up his leg.

"I need to take an x-ray to see how the bones are doing," Donnie shuddered "Why did your leg have to be broken?"

Logan tilted his head in confusion and got off of the cot, using his crutches to limp over to where the x-ray could be taken. Donnie quickly took the x-ray, examining it before handing it to Logan.

"See here?" Donnie pointed at a crack in Logan's lower leg. "That was fully broken before. You are healing extremely well. I wonder if the mutigent is affecting your healing process. You're healing much faster than I would've assumed. I'd say give it another two or three weeks and you'll be back on your feet."
Logan looked up, the information giving him enough hope to get him out of his funk, at least a little.

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