Chapter Twenty Seven

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Sophie decided to write a letter to Mitya. This could be her final goodbye to the elderly woman, like Calla's to Sophie.

But she could never seem to get the letter right. Somehow, paper could not hold the same meaning as spoken words. She could not convey the emotion she felt. She could not show Mitya her grief, she could not show Mitya her gratitude. Because every time she tried to show one, it always got in the way of the other.

Twenty-seven crumpled up papers later, she fell back onto her bed, pressing her palms into her eyes. She let out a long sigh and glared at the new blank piece of paper on her desk.

"I hate the world," she muttered.

"I would hope not. I'm in it."

Somehow, Biana had gotten into the room without her knowing, but she wasn't surprised. Biana Vacker wasn't Agent Vanisher for no reason.

"This is so hard," Sophie said. She gestured to the papers littering her floor. "Why can't I write her something?"

Biana leaped gracefully onto the bed, sitting next to Sophie's hunched figure. She put a hand on the blonde's shoulder. "Maybe this is a bit like a break-up. You can't break up with someone over a text, or a note."

Sophie laughed half-heartedly. "Only you would use a break-up as an analogy to writing a letter to a dead person."

"How about you give the eulogy?" Biana asked. She rubbed Sophie's back like Edaline would do whenever Sophie was down. Wait...Edaline!

"I haven't spoken to Edaline since I got back!" Sophie exclaimed. "Or Grady! In fact, I haven't really talked to any of you!"

"That's fine," Biana said gently. "We all know this is tough for you."

Sophie buried her head in her hands. "Yeah, but I'm the Moonlark. How can I take over the Black Swan in the future if death follows me around like a puppy?"

"Sophie, no offense, but you're still human. Don't put yourself down like that. We don't expect you to be perfect."

"Well, I should at least be close to it!"

"Yeah, well, lots of bad things will happen because of you, but that doesn't mean it's your fault."

"I should be able to prevent it all!"

"No, you can't. Some things no one can stop from happening." Biana pushed back a strand of Sophie's hair. "Now, you're going to go out there, give the eulogy, cry a bit with everyone, but you'll know that everything's going to be alright."

Sophie smiled mirthlessly. "I still don't agree with everything you're saying. But you're right about something: I'm giving that eulogy."


Sophie wasn't the best at making good choices. Everyone knew that. Especially her. The fact that she let Biana and Vertina team up to prepare her for the funeral was only proof of that.

"So, an emerald green dress or an olive green dress?" Biana asked Vertina.

Yes, she meant green. The Black Swan believed that they should dress in green instead of black for a funeral since green was the color of life. Every funeral Sophie had ever been to, she had had to dress up in green. She didn't mind, though. The symbolism was beautiful.

"Ugh, I don't know," Vertina groaned. "Which one would clash with her eyes less?"

Biana pondered for a minute. "Emerald green?"

"Wouldn't hurt to try," Vertina sighed. She rummaged through Sophie's closet. Sophie was almost scared for when Vertina would reappear. Would she have to wear a sparkly, showy dress?

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