I have to know!

489 6 3

"Egrets roll out to-"
"Wait sis!"

Parasoul got a alert for a attack from lab 0.she had to get information on how they're still working.this was no place for a little girl.

"No umbrella,you can't come."

"Why not? I can be just as strong as you parasoul!"

"No and that is final! Adam,watch over umbrella!"

"Yes sir!"

Oh great Adam.umbrella sighed as parasoul soon left with her egrets to go after lab 0....wait lab 0....

"*gasp* Adam I have to go with her! She's gonna see valentine!"

"Look umbrella I know you also wanna see valentine and your sister but parasoul said to stay here and thats what we're gonna do."

"Jeez Adam you don't get it! I know you don't really wanna babysit me.."

"While that is true,it is my unfortunate duty to-wait huh!?"

Umbrella had left when Adam was talking?...."oh god I am so fired!! UMBRELLA!"

"Brain drain come out of hiding and face me!"

Parasoul had arrived at the center of her attack.she only a disfigured girl with a wheel,a girl with a hair parasite,and a robot cat,and her valentine.

"Sorry princess.you'll have to settle with us.painwheel."

Painwheel looked so angry.why was she even here for her anyway?


"Go back to the lab.robo,fukua,you guys go back too."

All three of them were shocked.


"So we can go home?"


"Can you three just listen to me for once? Go!"

What was valentine doing? Parasoul didn't do anything but look in confusion.

Soon the three experiments left to the lab.now the real fun can begin.

"Parasoul answer this for me...if you fall at exactly 20 feet down a cliff..would you be in extreme pain?"

"What kind of question is-UGH!"

Valentine had then tackled parasoul down the cliff that was next to them.

Soon the fighting in the air was evident as they fell down 20 feet down.


"Princess umbrella what are you!?-"

It was too late before umbrella held onto hungern tight as she floated down the cliff.

"What in the Trinity fuck is wrong with you!?"

"You have to listen to me."

"Why would I do that? You just got us down a massive cliff and I heard umbrella!"

Valentine couldn't say that parasoul was wrong.this was a weird way to ask for a favor.

"I need you to not attack the big ring!"


"Valentine...how did you.."

"In our last fight....i stole your plans that you had in your skirt."



What in the world was that screaming?

It was umbrella.umbrella was falling down with hungern due to hungern getting tried of flying.


parasoul couldn't finish that sentence due to valentine jumping into action catching umbrella and hungern.

"Wow...thanks ms valentine.."

"Kid what were you thinking?"

"For once valentine is right.why would you come down here?"

"Well I just wanted to help..im sorry.."

Parasoul and valentine couldn't be that mad at umbrella.she just wanted to help.they remember what that feeling was like..

"*sigh* its fine...oh my umbrella..you have cuts all over you.."

"Oh I fell a few times on the way here."

"Okay valentine work on my sister.i'll work on calling the egrets to get us out of here."

Soon the two women got to work on their assignments.

"....ms valentine? Can I ask you a question?"

"Fine umbrella.what is it?"

Finally! A chance to get some context on her sisters old friend? Coworker? Lover? That is what she needs to find out right now!

"What is your relationship with my big sis?

I dont know why I made a part 2.

Anyway here's some valensoul:

Its just the skullgirls voice actors playing the game but they're funny!

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