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Billy's in line at a nightclub that's frequented by bands from out of state while he's on the phone with Finney, "Okay, so, Bruce is getting tickets to the band 'Zipper' don't ask, I know it's a bad band name. But the opening lines are The Cure and Wheezer, so do you wanna go?" Billy asks before he gives his name to the bouncer. "Yeah I'll go, do they have a surprise guest this time?" Finney asks, he can hear shuffling on the other side of the line, probably Finney getting into bed. "yeah, no idea who though," "Okay, I'll talk to Bruce about it when he gets home. Have fun!" "Byeee," Billy replies, hanging up.

"You can go inside," The man says, Billy nods with a smile and thanks him. He ignores the stare he gets from the lady behind him when he's let in, he recognizes her from somewhere but he can't put his finger on it so he discards the thought for a later time.

He can hear the squeak of his shoes against the floor near the bar when he goes to order a drink, he grimaces a little at the noise. When he takes a seat at the bar and pulls out his phone, he's making sure his boss hadn't texted him before he left the office, and he hasn't. He tucks his phone away with a sigh of relief before he faces back towards where the bartender's already standing in front of him. "Oh hey, could I get-" "This is from the gentleman over there, if you wanna order something after you drink this, you can. And no, he didn't spike it. It's freshly made," The bartender says, handing him what seems to be a rum and coke, it's his drink order, but who would know that?

And also, might he add, he only goes here with Bruce. And Bruce is at a modeling gig, so who-

He glances to where the bartender had pointed and he sees a male with slightly overgrown curly blonde hair, he's stunning, and he can see that he's wearing a black long-sleeve undershirt under a white t-shirt. It looks good on him. Maybe a bit familiar, though.

He pulls his eyes away when he feels a tap on his shoulder, it's another blonde with long curly hair. "Oh my god," Billy says, trying to stay calm and not squeal. "Hey?" The boy he knows to be Vance Hopper says. "Oh my god," Billy repeats, he looks back to the boy he was previously looking at he realizes he was staring at Griffin Stagg. "Dude, are you okay?" Vance asks with a small chuckle. "Yeah," Billy squeaks out.

Vance takes a seat next to him and orders himself a drink Billy's never even heard of, Billy drinks some of his own drink, trying to get just an ounce of liquid courage. "You're Billy Showalter, right?" Vance asks, giving the bartender fifty with a small smile. "Yeah." Billy replies, mouth dry and throat hoarse. "You did the interview with Beyonce, right?" Vance asks, taking a sip of his drink. "Mhm." "I loved it, I've probably watched it like thirty times, you do great interviews." Vance compliments. "You've never done an interview none of you have," Billy states, referencing Vance, Griffin, and Robin. "Oh, I guess you're right. How're we still relevant?" Vance replies with a small laugh.


Finney's awoken the next morning to Billy barging into his room with a coffee and chocolate croissant in hand, coming to tell him all about the night he had last night. Finney's barely awake when he's being informed of all of Billy's conversations from last night. "Wait, so during all of this, did you ask for an interview?" Finney asks worried Billy forgot to ask the most important question he could've asked. "Well, yes, but-" "Okay, good. I don't care," Finney says, interrupting Billy in the process, continuing to drink his coffee and snack on his food.

"Robin was there," Billy tells him, "Tell me more," Finney replies, ever so eager to hear more about his childhood best friend.

"..I got his number as well, I mentioned you and he went bonkers, ready to shoot into a monologue about how much he misses you. But he has your number," Billy says, drinking his own coffee. "Oh, is that the unsaved number that texted me?" "Probably," "Alright, well I have to go head to work. I'll see you later." Billy says, getting off of Finney's bedroom floor and pressing a quick kiss to Finney's forehead before starting on his journey back out of the room."Okay, love you!" "Love you!"

Euphoria (Rinney, Brance, Briffin)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu