T h e p o t a t o p e e l e r

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bruce yamada ✓ @BruceYamada

Bro Billy's been living MY dream lately, like mf got to speak to MY celebrity crush, crying, screaming, throwing up.

Billiam ✓ @paperboy


bruce yamada ✓ @BruceYamada


"BRUCE IF YOU WANT TO MEET VANCE, MAYBE YOU SHOULD'VE GONE OUT WITH ME!" Billy calls out from his own room "MAYBE YOU SHOULD'VE DRAGGED ME THERE!" Bruce replies before Finney pitches in with a loud 'I don't care, shut up!' from his room. "SHUT UP!" The two yell back at Finney before he makes a loud gasping noise and stomps over to Billy's room to grab his phone. To which he succeeds, and runs into the shared bathroom. "Finney Quinn Blake, give me back my phone right this instant!" Billy says, running after him, Finney slams the door shut and locks it before sliding down the door. "No!"

Finney texts Vance through Billy's phone, destroying any ounce of professionalism he had left from the night at the bar. It's only a simple 'Text my friend, Bruce, here's his number' but for Billy, it could cost him his interview in his eyes. It won't, Vance made it extremely clear that if they weren't in a professional environment that it shouldn't be professional, and even if they were none of them would care. Vance replies rather quickly with 'I will as long as you text Griffin soon ;)' and Finney laughs before reading the small conversation aloud.

"Finney he has a potato peeler, you might wanna stay in there for a few more hours, he's trying to get through the door with it," Bruce says through his laughter, the click of a camera also audible. "What the fuck Billy, why a potato peeler?" Finney asks shimmying away from the door. "No one would suspect it as a murder weapon," Billy replies, which, fair enough I guess, but Finney can hear scraping against the door while he lays against the cool glass of the shower now. Decided it might give him and advantage if Billy gets through one of the spots.

"He's crying in a ball form now." Bruce says after the scraping ceases for a few minutes."Is he high or something?" Finney asks, calling Vance on Billy's phone since he left his own in his room. "Honestly, probably. It's his day off," Bruce replies.

"Hey, Billy- you aren't Billy," Vance corrects himself when he hears Finney clear his throat differently then Billy did. He had time to memorize the exact noise at the bar when he did it every thirty seconds. "No, I'm not. I'm Finney, his roommate," Finney confirms, lips forming a tight line because how would Vance not know it's him? They haven't met before, but come on. "OH MY GOD Finney, HEY I'M ALSO HERE!!!" Robin shouts form the other side, Finney pulling the phone away form his ear at the volume.

"Oh, hey Robin, anyway Vance can you like come over and get Billy away from the bathroom door, he's trying to kill me with a potato peeler. I would ask Bruce, but Billy would probably end up killing him too." Finney explains, Bruce pitching in with 'He isn't wrong, Billy tries and kills me a lot!'

"Uhhh, yeah? Share your location and I'll drive over." Vance agrees, and Finney goes to talk before someone else gets the chance before him."What about the sound check-" Another voice says, Finney doesn't recognize it and opts to just ask later, or never. "No one cares Griff, you've sounded the same since we were seventeen," Vance tells the voice. "Okay, see you guys soon," Finney says before hanging up.

"Finney," Billy says, scaping starting to resume. "Billy," Finney mocks. "Open this door," Billy tries to softly demand, still coming off as a bit hostile. "No, it's the ONLY thing keeping you from killing me," Finney replies before the scraping starts again, he hears footsteps fade away, presumably Bruce's to not look like a homeless teenage boy. He looks down at his own clothes before seeing he also doesn't look too hot himself, dressed in old sweat pants along with a nirvana t-shirt that very much belonged to Robin when they were younger. "Billy, maybe if you got ready now, you could look good in case Griffin tags along," Finney tries, he wants out of this bathroom. "Oh my god, you're right," Billy replies, dropping the potato peeler and walking into his own room.

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