Untitled Part 5

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Filler, but like you got words so

"Guys! Let's go!" Finn says, ushering everyone out of their apartment, minus Billy who waves and locks the door behind him. They have a concert technically tonight since it's three in the morning, but Billy's leaving from a separate airport in a separate plane so Griffin doesn't catch on to their super secret plan. He might already know, but it's the sentiment that counts?


His plane landed around five in the afternoon, which gives him three hours to fuck around before he has to discreetly get into Griffin's hotel room, the plan's surprisingly simple.

Billy sneaks into the hotel room once Vance tells him that they're at the venue, he sits patiently on the bed, play on his phone, watch TV, and other stuff he'd typically do while he waits, he could even people-watch the people at the Eiffel tower since he could see that from Finn's room in the hotel, he's guessing he could from Griffin's room too.

"Shit, shit, dude get in teh closet." Finn whisper yells when he hears a knock at his door. "How ironic-" Billy replies before he's getting cut off and pushed into the closet.

"Hey, Robin!" "Hey, ready to head to the venue?" "Mhm!" Finn replies, he can hear shuffling, probably Finn putting on his shoes and grabbing his coat.

Once he hears the door close and carefully steps out of the closet and grabs one of his suitcases, he opts to leave most of his bags in Finn's room since he doesn't wanna lug everything up to Griffin's when he isn't even quite sure on where his room is.


Billy drys his hair and looks at himself through the cloudy mirror, he sighs and wonders what correct life choices he'd made to get to where he is, he's in Paris, with a band he's been obsessed with since he was in highschool. And his best friends, of course, but he would've been with them for well ever.

Once he's dressed he debates blowdrying his hair with the one provided in the bathroom but decided against it.

A little later, he hears Griffin talking to someone outside of the door, before the other voice fades out along with their footsteps, the door handle moves and then it's opened to Griffin who covers his mouth and blinks with his eyes staying as wide as possible. "Surprise...?" Billy says, doing jazz hands. "You're here? Like with me? In my hotel room?" Griffin says, lowering his hand slowly an shutting the door behind me. "Mhm." Billy replies, glancing between Griffin and the floor. "Can I-" "Yeah." Billy interrupts, getting the meaning behind Griffin question that went unspoken.


Billy's awoken to Griffin poking him in the forehead and whispering in french "What the fu-" "Shut up!" Griffin interrupts, continuing what he was doing. "What're you doing?" Billy asks once Griffin seems satisfied enough and pulls away. "Witchcraft." "Okay?"

"Ever watch Stranger Things?" Billy asks "All four seasons." Griffin replies. "Me too! What happened to Will being a main character though?" "Byler has to happen, like actually happen not dance around it like they have the last four seasons." Griffin says. "Yes." "Thank you! Vance and Robin say 'they're just friends' but no! No they are not."

"So, when's your next show?" Billy asks, getting out of bed and stretching. "Uh, well I think like tomorrow? Since it's the next day and at my last concert it was two days from then and it's the next day so-" "I get it, tomorrow.

Euphoria (Rinney, Brance, Briffin)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora