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This is the first Time Door that Loki has known of just what lies the other side. And for a little while, he hopes it will be the final one he walks through. Now that the multiverse has spread so far, it seems the TVA have finally changed their objective from destroying it all once more, to simply doing all they can to mind it; to watch over it.

And Loki?

Well, Loki has always been one to believe if something is possible, it’s simply meant to happen in the first place, because it can.

It also helps that Mobius is a good friend, good enough to let this happen; to make this happen. He says it’s a mere payment of Loki’s true intentions to finally help someone that isn’t Loki himself. But after his weird moment with Sylvie, Mobius realises before even Loki does that there has only ever been one person truly present in Loki’s heart.

(It sure as shit helps that Mobius practically runs the TVA now, is pretty much the boss before the idiot boss; Kang. And an idiot, he is, Loki thinks, briefly wonders which corner of the universe he currently lurks in. No, Mobius is a much more capable – and compassionate – choice to keep the new time lines in check... with Loki’s help, of course.)

So Mobius gives him this, but with the small catch that Loki still technically belongs to the TVA; still belongs to no timeline anymore. Loki can still have what he wants, but so long as he keeps working for the TVA; for Mobius (which suits Loki just fine.)

And now, here Loki is, standing in front of the Time Door, working up the courage to finally step through it. When he finally does, he’s standing back on that cliff top on Midgard, the same one he and Thor once found their father upon before his last words and breaths. The meadow is a lot greener, a lot more grown, but Loki’s eyes are only drawn to the hunched over figure sitting just feet away from the edge.

The Time Door silently closes behind him and Loki quickly shoves the controller into his front shirt pocket before he slowly makes his way over to her. With her back to him, he can’t see her face, but as he grows closer, he can see how long her blonde locks have grown. He stops just feet from her, unsure of how to announce himself as he simply watches her. He can feel his magic is back – as it is whenever he’s inside of a timeline – and quickly makes himself invisible when her head suddenly jerks to the side.

Loki’s heart hammers in his chest as she looks right through him with narrowed eyes. He knows she doesn’t see him, his heart is racing more due to the fact that he’s never seen her look so tired; so lost; so beaten. He’s also never seen her quite so round and soft, smiles with deep fondness – because is there anything that could actually make her look less beautiful to him?

“Who’s there?” Thor glances suspiciously around the meadow, sees nothing, and hears nothing, only the soft winds and the lapping tides below. When she doesn’t receive an answer, this seems to annoy her enough into crushing the empty beer can in her hand. “If it’s you, Rabbit, I told you, I’m not interested.”

Loki arches a brow – Rabbit?

Thor huffs as she tosses the empty crushed can onto the already formed pile sitting beside her. “I’m done fighting.” She grumbles as she grabs the last beer up and cracks it open. “There’s never any point. You never win.” She knows she’s just talking to herself now, huffs again and chugs down half the can in one go.

Finally, Loki’s heart aches too much for him to bear. “If I recall, you always win the fight.” He says, shimmering back into sight.

Thor freezes for a couple of moments, then, slowly turns her head back to the side.

Loki frowns – she doesn’t look shocked, or surprised, or happy, or even angry over seeing him. She simply stares back up at him, blankly at first, but then, to him, it’s clear she’s trying to decide whether he’s real or not (he really should have seen that coming.)

Lucky Loki [Loki&FemThor]Where stories live. Discover now