My Little Glowworm

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When Loki walks back through the Time Door, Thor is standing in the middle of the meadow, waiting (just for him.) She smiles when she sees him appear, and Loki’s heart is already doing flips as they slowly approach one another.

This time, she looks a lot more well rested, her left eye a lot brighter. By the hints of vanilla, and the fresh look about her, Loki can tell she’s bathed. He finds himself taking a step closer to subtly inhale more of that earthy natural scent hiding underneath. For distraction (to make sure he doesn’t make a fool out of himself instead), he takes in her new attire – a large knitted sweater that hangs just passed her knees (and that hangs off of one shoulder and lets Loki know she’s wearing absolutely nothing else underneath) and a grey pair of thin wool tights (that Loki also finds himself wondering of what’s beneath, if anything.) She still wears the old brown leather slippers, and her golden locks are still dreaded, but now also look and smell a lot cleaner, too.

“You look.. less depressed.”

Thor laughs when he silently scolds himself. “I finally now have something to be less depressed about.”

Loki’s heart flutters at her soft smile.

“And you can tell me I look less like shit. It’s OK, I won’t be mad.” Thor adds with small knowing smirk.

Loki frowns softly, and before he knows what he’s even doing, he’s moving to stand in front of her. Her gaze widens for a split second, and if Loki weren’t using his magic right now, he wouldn’t be able to hear her pulse racing alongside his own. He lifts his hand slowly, gently brushes his knuckles against her left cheek, and his pulse only speeds up as she lets her eyes flutter close and leans into his touch. “You will never not be as beautiful as you always are.”

Thor’s eyes slowly spring open when she feels his hand lightly cupping her chin, and then, the pad of his thumb brushing over her lips. He looms over her a good foot or so, just like he always has, and Thor can only let herself melt against him (just a little.) He doesn’t seem to mind as his hands settle over her waist (which is no new gesture between them, but suddenly, Thor feels like it ignites something in them both rather than just her alone.) Her hands hold onto his bared forearms, fingers giving a tight squeeze of the lean muscle.

While Loki is trying to create a little order in his chaotic thoughts and emotions right now, he’s then confused when she those pretty pinks lips are curling upwards and that bright blue left orb is twinkling with amusement (and fondness.)


Oh, Norns, did he say something wrong? Did he already screw this up? Did she –

Thor stares back up at him as she sweetly mumbles, “I forgot how tall you really are.”

“Oh.” Loki chuckles lightly, heart still racing in the background. “Ironic, considering my true heritage.”

Thor rolls her eyes, but wears a hearty smile before sliding her arms around his waist and pulling him into a tight hug. “You are whatever you wish to be, Loki. I’ve never known you for being otherwise.” She tells him with her cheek pressed to the centre of his chest. “How long are you with me this time?” She asks, sighs as she feels his arms tighten around the back of her waist.

“A month.” Loki mumbles into her hair.

Thor slowly lifts her head, smiles up at him as she notes, “That’s a long time.”

Loki smiles back, nods. “It is.”

“I...” Thor’s cheeks tint with pink, and Loki’s heart swells with the same deep fondness it always does when she’s being uncharacteristically shy (around him, of all people.) “I haven’t told anyone that you’re back yet.”

Lucky Loki [Loki&FemThor]Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя