Strongest Avenger

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Two days into his month off with her, Thor already feels like if she just closed her eyes and listened to Loki’s voice, that it would be as if they were both truly back home, back in her bedroom, laughing and joking, just like they used to (before she ever left Asgard that first time – or technically, was banished.) But then, he has to go and bring her crashing back to reality on just the third day. And OK, she blames herself for that – but if she doesn’t check in with Brunnhilde at least once a day, Thor knows the King Valkyrie will either come looking for her or send Korg... just to make sure she’s still alive, of course, Thor isn’t stupid, no matter what others think.

“You should do it. You know you should. And we both know they can’t do it without you.”

He shoots her an encouraging smile, but Thor can clearly hear the persuasive tint to his tone. “They have Carol. They don’t need me.” She huffs out the words before reaching over for another handful of cherries and shoves them unceremoniously into her mouth.

Loki chuckles, shoots her a playfully scolding look, a knowing tint now in his tone as he asks her, “Are you seriously going to sit out of the battle of a lifetime?” He sniffs casually, keeps his gaze on the balcony ahead as he reaches for a single cherry and pops it into his mouth. He chews quietly, gracefully swallows before rather snootily stating, “The Thor from my time would not approve...”

Thor can’t help it when she glares and snaps at him with, “Yes, and the Thor from your time would also have gone straight for Thanos’ fuck ugly head!” She sees his shocked look even though he does well with hiding it quickly, and Thor instantly then just feels the guilt as the anger at herself vanishes. (It goes in cycles and waves since... well...)

Loki speaks before she even tries to open her mouth to apologise, softly tells her, “I’m sorry,” instead.

“No.” Thor shakes her head, shoots him a miserable pout before looping her arm through his and resting her head against his shoulder. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to shout. Well, I mean, I did, but... not at you.” She rolls her eyes at herself, hears how stupid she sounds (no wonder Loki thinks she’s dumb – he always renders her a babbling fool when close enough. And right now, he’s almost too close, and still, not close enough.)

“It’s OK.” Loki reassures her, slides his arm from hers in favour of sliding it around her plump little waist. He pulls her closer, rests his head on top of hers. They sit in comfortable silence, and as Loki brings a hand up to play with her twisted locks, the sound of the Norwegian sea below slowly falls away, and all he’s left with for a few moments is her thoughts flickering against his mind...

“I told you –“

Loki feels the hurt, but most of all, he feels her fury, sees it clearly on her face as she rams her axe further and further into the Mad Titan’s chest...

”– you would fucking pay for that!!”

Loki sucks in a quiet gasp as the rage of that memory in her almost overwhelms him. He almost pulls away from the intensity of it all, but fights his way through. For Thor, he would do anything, and this he will do for her now.

“Loki?” Thor pulls her head up when she feels him go slightly stiff beside her.

Loki smiles for reassurance when he sees her concern. “Do you trust me?” He only asks, because he knows how much it annoys her when he uses his “tricks” on her. His smile both widens and softens when she doesn’t hesitate to nod her answer. “I can feel your anger; your pain.” He crawls across the bed to sit cross-legged in front of her, smiles fondly when she mirrors his position. “Anger is a good motivator, so I shan’t be taking any of that.” He grins when she rolls her eyes (or tries to with the right one, which only rolls halfway before flipping back in place.) “But will you let me ease your painful memories?”

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