Ningguang : "The Tianquan."

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Male reader sorry y'all
Angst <<33

Ningguang's pov.

It was a cold night in Liyue, of course it was cold at night, but it wasn't this cold. It was rare for weather like this in such a hot city. I watched as the harbor's lights begin to fade, it was not only cold but it was late as well. I walked away from the window and began walking to my desk. My footsteps echoing in the room.

Y/n had left the place. So it was just I and some of my employees. I was quite worried. Y/n had left as soon as I came back from the outside. I paced around the room, waiting, until I grew tired. I decided to stop and get ready to go to my quarters without him.

I opened the door to my quarters and closed it behind me. My sleeping outfit, hanging in my closet, ready. I headed to the bathroom, putting on one of my robes inside. I washed my face and brushed my teeth. After all that, I got dressed and was now heading to my silk bed.

Before I went to sleep I heard a knock on my door. "Who is it?" I yelled quietly. "Y/n." His voice was cold, and stern. I walked up to the door and opened it seeing Y/n and his wet hair "Dear, I think I know why Liyue is so cold." He told me being sarcastic, I chuckled and soon let him in.

"Why were you out so late?" I asked, my tone getting a little angry. "Well, I went looking for Ganyu. She disappeared." "Did you find her?" I asked. "Yeah, she just told me she needed a second outside." He said as he went to enter the bathroom. I went to my bed once again and got under the covers.

I got a little worried with the way he was talking, he never talked like that before. His behavior was questioning, nothing sweet or anything.

I lied on the bed and thought about it for a while, a few minutes later, I saw him walking out of the door. I immediately sat up, ready for the questions I was gonna ask him. But before I could even say anything he walked to the walk-in closet.

I sat there for what felt like hours. He finally came out and walked towards me, giving me a slight peck on the lips before getting on top of me, almost immediately drifting off to sleep. Well before I asked him this.

"What were you doing after Ganyu told you what she was doing?" I was curious why he could take such a long time just for Ganyu to tell him that. It would've only been a mere 12 minutes, but he returned for hours on end. "I-I was out." He turned to face me as I was staring directly at him. "Where? I thought you only went outside to go find Ganyu?" My question seemed to be unanswered for a while and the tension was thick in the air. "I went down to the harbor." "To do what? Most of the places here are already closed, it rained before you arrived and I'm starting to get suspicious that your no telling me something!" I raised my voice to the point where almost everyone that was still in the Jade Chamber heard me. "Why are you so focused on knowing what I did? Don't you trust me anymore?" He asked, I couldn't lie to him and say 'I do.'. I just couldn't.

The silence was on for a while before Y/n got up and going to the door. "Where are you going?" "I just... Need to clear my head right now. I don't think I want to be around someone who would have thought I did something bad." He stated. His hand reached for the door as he went out of it. I sat there, fiddling with my fingers and biting back my lip to avoid letting my tears run down my face. I got up from the bed also and looked around my office to see nobody there, none of my employees, no Y/n. I walked up to the stairs before going outside. A cold breeze went by me as I shivered from the cold. I looked around the terrace of the Chamber before spotting Y/n down at the harbor. Already changed into his normal wear. I then went down and walked rather quickly to his side. Before catching up with him I saw Ganyu looking out of the balcony, Y/n ran to her side and caught her attention. They both smiled together before getting closer and leaning their faces towards the others. As I watched the scene unfold the tears I was begging not to drop from my eyes ran down my cheeks, I put a hand over my mouth to avoid them noticing my presence. Archons, they looked so happy together.

I edited this one shot because the ending was so lame like?? Anyways byeee

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