Chapter 2

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My eyes fluttered open, at first it was blurry. Muffled voices all-around.

"Collette! Collette Basee!" Chase yelled while shaking me. Just then I popped back into reality. Once he realised I was awake he stopped calling out my name, and shaking me.

"Ugh. . ." I said putting my hand on my head (not the arm that got bitten) I winced when I felt the surging pain in my arm.

"Where are we?" I said looking at Chase, who was now wherein a mask, his dirty blondish hair swept over it, a bit messy, but what can you inspect this is a alien take over. No time to put on makeup and do your hair, and all that jazz.

I slowly stood up Chase held my arm. "I'm fíñè!" I tried to shout but my dry throat kept me from doing so.

Chase lowers me off the bus and placed me in a circle with a bunch of other kids. After he placed me down he handed me a number and said. "Listen for your number, once you hear it go with who called it."  He then left to go off.

I stood there for 2 minutes before I heard my number being called. It reminded me of my cheerleading days, once you heard your number you would run out onto the mat and stand as still as you humanly could until you heard the music start. I snapped out of my thoughts and went over to who called me.

Two soldiers took me into a hallway they didn't say anything they just walked, holding snipers close to there chest. Soon after we entered, we entered a white hallway everything was white. The walls the floors the ceiling, everything.

They stopped by a door and one of the men knocked on it. A few seconds later a women opened the door, I'm guessing a nurse. Well because she's wearing nurses outfit. Pretty good guess if I don't say so myself.

I was nudged into the room by one of the soldiers elbow. I grunted.

"Please sit here miss, the doctor will be here soon." She said with a monotone face and voice. I sat on the table thingy. The nurse came over and looked at my bite.

"Dog?" She said raising a eyebrow. I wanted to come back with a sarcastic comment like ' No ma'am a child' but I refrained myself from saying so.

"Coyote. . ." I said blankly. "With rabies. . ." I added. Her eyebrows furrowed. 

The click of the doorknob was heard and the nurse left the room, as a lady entered.

"Hello, I'm Doctor Charlie. I will be helping you today." She said picking up a clipboard.

"Can I have a name?" She asked smiling. This smile was genuine, like how a mother would smile at there child.

"Oh, um Collette Basee." I said a bit quietly.

"Collette, unique. . . Any family known to be alive?"  She said still smiling, but a bit softened.

"No. Mother went out 1st. Father 2nd. Sister and brother 3rd." I said with a blank face.

"I'm sorry."  I wanted to laugh. Im a cold blooded killer, who basically killed her own family. There no sorrys.

"Let me see that injury." She walked closer and removed the bandage that Chase put on. She took a bottle and opened it rubbing the liquid onto a swab. She dabbled it on and then pressed it.

I'm guessing she expected for me to scream. I wanted to but I held it in.

"You know, you don't have to act tough around me. I'm here to help." I continued to stare at the wall, not saying a word. She took the swab off and then put a bandage on.

"Now for a shot." She said grabbing a surge out of a cabinet. I looked away. I didn't like needles , they made me sick. She slowly pushed it into my skin and I tried not to whimper. So I bit my tongue.

"You'll have too stay in a special room until your treatment is done. And then you'll go to 'Wonderland'." She said, as I hopped off the counter. "Wonderland?" I questioned.

"You'll see in a few days." She said, opening a door. I walked over, as we bother exited the office. Once we got to the room. There was a bed with a pair of white clothes on it. And a small bathroom.

"This shower has hot water." She then left the room. I walked over and picked up the outfit and went into the bathroom and got into the shower. After the shower I got dressed and sat on the bed and thought 'whst didni get myself into?'.

I played down and fell asleep No dream. Only sleep. No warmth of a family member. Only cold. 

It's better to get used to it now. Yeah, we have to be distant and cold, quite. Which is hard cause that was the complete opposite of my personality.

I guess that's life...

Thank you for reading, not until chapter 4.does Ben/Zombie come in so yeah. . 

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