Chapter 5

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Collette/Doll's POV

"Doll. . .DOLL!"  I jolted awake as Dumbo walked away, everyone was rushing to get ready. I jumped out of bed already ready. I fixed my bed and made it look somewhat nicer. A few people stopped and looked at me, "Did you just jump out of bed with your boots already on?" Teacup asked. 

"Yep!" I said fixing my hair. "She really is insane..." Teacup whispered as she walked away to go and make her own bed. Zombie then walked out of the bathroom, wiping his hands with a white towel. "Well at least she's ready, unlike some of you." He said eyeing some of the younger kids, he chuckled.

"Hey what can I say!" I shrugged my shoulders. We heard a loud annoying bell ring, I didn't know what it meant but everyone lined up, I ran over and joined them standing in the line.

"Well lookie here, this time everyone is up and standing in a line." Reznik scoffed. "Out of you all the newbie looks the sharpest..." he eyed Nugget. Reznik walked over too the bunks too inspect them, he then pointed to mine and said. "Who's bunk is this?" He asked looking at us. I stepped up and raised my hand. "Mine, sir!" I said sharply. He raised an eyebrow, "Good. . ." He said walking around the room yelling at everyone else, before moving on to the next room over.

Zombie stood in front of the group and said: "We didn't get yelled at as much as usually." He clasped his hands together with a small smile. "Lets head to breakfast before it ends." Zombie started walking to the door, opening it and walking into a hallway we passed some closed doors before we made it into a large room with lots of tables, we walked over to a pretty short line where we picked up a tray and brought it to our assigned table.

What was on the menu was, Black meat jelly with the side of old eggs from yesterday, plus some other foods I didn't even recognize. I looked up from the food and Flint looked right into my eyes, I tried to break eye contact but before I could he hit me with a question. 

"So...Doll... what are you good at, you know not everyone is treated the way you are especially by Reznik, so there's gotta be some hidden talents." He said smirking.  "Self defense, and plus flexibility if that counts." I said eating some of the told egg. Flints smirk dropped as each word came out of my mouth. "Well I'm better at Hand - on - Hand combat, up close to people." I said soon after. Flint looked down at his food.

"What kind of flexibility?" Teacup butted into the conversation. "Well I guess I could show you." I said, Zombie looked up from his food. I stood up and slide into the splits like it was nothing. There jaws dropped, a chuckled. I then switched to the straddles easily, I then did a front - walker over back into my seat. "Noted." I heard Zombie whisper while he continued to eat.

"No wonder Reznik likes you..." Flint said quietly. I scoffed at his comment. Teacup looked at me with stars in her eyes, I sighed. "Hey, Doll can you teach me that stuff?" She soon after asked. I looked at her dumbfounded, up then said "Sure!" With a evil smirk.

10 minutes after that whole thing, the bell rang again, which meant it was time for morning run. I sighed getting up and setting my tray down on one of the drop off tables following the rest of my squad outside. It was a bit chilly, but everyone would call me a baby if I said anything. Reznik saw us coming, and a smirk formed on his face.

"Isn't my favorite squad, squad 53." His face sunk into a frown. He pointed at me and said "Come here, Private." I walked over with my back straight and with a cold face. "Private, I want you to do cartwheels and round offs instead of running." He smirked again. I nodded, "Yes, sir!" I said running back over to my squad. At first I started a slow run, then a faster run going in front of everyone else. Tank scoffed at my actions. When I looked back Nugget was falling behind, Zombie was trying to get him to run faster.

I breathed in and started doing cartwheels and then some round offs nicely. Teacup just stared with a heavy breath. We went around so many times I lost count, Reznik let me stop cause he said I'd need the energy for Hand-on-Hand combat. I stayed in front of everyone the whole time, looking back at Zombie every once and a while.

After the run it was time for my favorite Combat! We entered a large room with mats on the floor, I breathed in the smell just to remember this moment. Everyone walked away with there partners onto a mat, they had left me with Zombie. I was happy cause he was probably gonna be the hardest to beat out of them all, might as well go hard the first time.

Me and Zombie walked over to one of the mats. "You ready?" I asked him. "Yep, as long as you are." He smiled. "Okay then let's go." I put my fists up, he copied my actions. He slowly came closer. First time he threw his fist at me I dodged it, his second punch I dodged. His third one was coming at me straight in the face. I did a back walk over hitting him in the jaw, hearing a satisfying crack he fell onto the floor, I jumped on him straddling him. "Well, well lookie here." I said wishlist smirking. He looked up at me and said. "Didn't take you for a top kind of person." He smirked as he grabbed my thighs and and pulling me under him. I was shocked at first but then got it back together.

I wrapped my arms around his head pushing it onto my chests, I felt him loosen his grip on my thighs giving me time to wrap my legs around his up-er body giving me enough strength to flip him over, as soon as I did I jumped off him and off the mat. "My work here is done." I said dusting myself off. Zombie slowly stood up, fixing his jaw, I heard another crack. Probably him fixing his jaw.

"Doll, that was crazy amazing!" Teacup said walking over to me. I sighed, "Thanks."  I said sitting down on the mat. "Will you still teach me how to become flexible?" She asked sitting down next to me, I looked at her and smiled. "Sure." I said spreading my legs out into a sitting in a straddle, Teacup copied me. 

I taught her some stretches and some that really helped me. She thanked me, as we were walking to lunch.

Zombie slowed down and joined me in the back of the line. "We have shooting today." He said looking at me. I stopped and said, "One sec I got to go to the bathroom." He nodded and continued to lunch, I went into the bathroom as flash backs of my parents and there death in my head my breath picked up as I started hyperventilating, my back hit the wall as I slid down the wall, tears slid down my face and I shook my head  while repeating 'No' over and over. 

Zombies POV

I just walked into the cafeteria, and got my food when flint asked. "Where is Doll?" I replied with. "She said she needed to go the the bathroom." I then noticed she had been gone for awhile "One sec guys ill be back." I said walking out of the cafeteria, and over to the bathroom Doll was in. I knocked on the door. "Doll, you okay?" I said, a few seconds later I heard heavy breathing.

I started opening the door when....

Sorry for not updating.... I'm a extremely busy person, and I keep getting my electronics taken away...

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 09, 2022 ⏰

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