Front of assault

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Iuzku's point of view

Cordelia: so just so I completely understand our plan is to just go in guns blazing?

She asked this as we arrive at the horde of zombies there is only 100 m away from us, True it's not exactly the most brilliant thought out plan but it's the best one we've got besides it would've been a lot worse if I didn't send their dad because of the version I can still hear the sounds of that roaring engine going through the zombies just a few miles away

I nod: Yeah pretty much, why having second thoughts?

Cordelia shook her head: no, honestly this part usually the fun part but I... Do we have enough weapons and ammo to get through all of them I mean even with a combo weapons you made for us and that upgrade you gave Juliet chainsaw I still don't see how we're going to get through that . And also where is your combo weapon?

Oh right I didn't show it to them, and I pull out my duffel bag filled with combo weapons that I built but am I pull out my favourite first it's not exactly very creative but it's the simple ones that usually at the most effective

Oh right I didn't show it to them, and I pull out my duffel bag filled with combo weapons that I built but am I pull out my favourite first it's not exactly very creative but it's the simple ones that usually at the most effective

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Juliet looking at my weapon A little unimpressed: seriously baby that's what you got, you created complicated and brilliant combo weapons for us but you're using a bat with shirt attached to the end

I shrug: well I mean I got like a ton of combo weapons in the bag here, might as well get the least creative one out the way besides the other ones are mostly used for emergencies

Roseland getting impatient; Enough with a small talk can we just get the killings of the undead bastards! I'm dying over here

It's both adorable and scary how Roseland gets excited about facing a horde of zombies she's like a child at Christmas and ready to rip open all the presents only in this case it's zombies and she's ripping Open undead flesh

Clearly saying there was going to be no stopping her from getting pumped up we get into position before we start our little march I noticed something: hold on just before we go walking into the lions den has anyone else noticed something about the zombies

Juliet turn to me confused: what do you mean baby they're under douche bags what's new?

I point the zombies out to them: well for one thing it seems like there are zombies from well everywhere we've been today farm the arcade pool there's even some zombie chickens over there... I'm not saying that's a problem I'm just saying it looks like this is the last batch

Cordelia: oh yeah he's got a point though, I just means we Gotta be extra careful not letting a single one escape right?

I nod but before I could say anything Rosalind raises her voice: okay we get it! Don't let a single one escape and all that bullshit! now come on I wanna kill some zombies!

Okay well I think it's about time we get on with it before Rosalind does something stupid. We lineup side-by-side as we walk up to the zombie horde

Narrators point of view

Lollipop chainsaw x izukuWhere stories live. Discover now