Demented joy

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Hey guys so before we start this chapter I just want to let you guys know a few things one I think be updating the story every day until Halloween from now on because it can be your Halloween present I guess and number two and thinking I have to make a sequel to this story after I'm done with dead rising one it's partly because I nearly into 70 chapters and I don't think any story needs to be that long something after I finished the rising one I say this part is complete and I make a sequel instead that I'm a good idea I'm still doing the rising two and three and also high school of the dead I just think I should but those in a separate from this one so that this fanfiction doesn't get too big

okay that's all I really wanted to say I hope you enjoy this chapter

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Rosalind point of view

so we're running formalised from a creepy clown well is only clown but honestly what's the difference at this point no one I can actually shake the sense of déjà vu as we run through the mall killing the zombies and finalise while avoiding the one that's chasing behind us with his demented laughter

that's when I remember : you now I think I had a nightmare like this once running through all with a creepy clown chasing me yet is definitely wrong about don't know when a minute I was naked in that one but still can agree that almost the exact same thing right?

jess: this really isn't the time!

izuku: for once I agree with her let's just keep running!

Okay jess just saying it seems super weird I know were running for a life there is no reason to be rude is only clown guy is getting faster and we can hear demented joy as he catches up to us, jess strives to shoot at the monster it slows down but it does not kill them even though she gets headshot on every shot

I remind her: don't bother lurkers came be killed the vengeful spirits that won't die until their mission is complete which in this case is killing us! So don't waste any more bullets

jess: yeah but it seemed to slow him down and told the zombies that were following him laughing have also died I think they are all connected somehow so how do we... Get rid of him or do we just keep running until they he catches us

izuku using his magnificent brain: okay he might not be able to die but maybe just maybe we can lock up somewhere at least until we figure out what to do with them check the map is there any like large buildings that we could lock you in or storage rooms

I pull out the map as we turn a corner and the others cover me while we run and kill zombies I stomp one's head in and kick the other one whilst reading the map: okay so there are any storage rooms but I think we can lock him in the disabled bathroom that should be coming up on the left

jess: okay but there's only one way in and one way out whether goes in there will be stuck with him... Wait a minute are those cultists were coming up to

I put down the map and yep it's definitely them on the screen rip-offs praying and surprisingly not getting attacked by the zombies so unfair but that's when I get a genius idea I run up to the cultists and tackle them the others joining and we managed to grab three of them before the others got well... Killed we knock them out and drag them with us as we continue running

the others don't really know my plan but they're just going along with it anyway once we turn the corner we quickly take off our jackets and placed them around the cultists after taking layers and push them towards the already opened disabled toilet Adam comes round the corner with his henchmen and sees the cultists thinking their arse and pounces them into the disabled toilet that's when we hear the screams of horror as we close the door and destroy the lock so now they're stuck in their a bit cruel but hey it's kill or be killed

izuku: good idea Rosalind now don't have to worry about Adam for at least a while still... How did he end up like this you can't just make a lurker can you?

That's very true lurkers don't just happen nonetheless the soul is incredibly angry and unable to move on that doesn't happen like this Adams only been dead for two days if a lurker was to happen naturally it would take hundreds if not thousands of years for us all to gain the power to reanimate their body by themselves so this means Adam had help presumably from the zombie overlord that on me that caught me the last time

jess: hey guys I think we have another cultist but he looks different

our attention was brought to the other hooded figure just outside the hallway and the zombies seem to be ignoring them he definitely looked like he was in some sort of ritual shit but it didn't look like the cultist before

the person spoke in a deeper voice but I could tell that they will male: you don't have to worry about the dark purveyor bothering you again he was acting on my orders... But I can see that he wasn't exactly working out so I sent him back home I was hoping my lurker of demented joy would be able to finish you off but I suppose I was hoping for a bit too much

okay is this guy trying to help us or to kill us because I'm getting mixed signals here: who are you were you the one created Adam into a lurker

the mysterious figure nodded: yeah pretty much I thought having a vengeful spirit would of been enough to end you and your friends who knows he still alive he might be able to break out soon but I think I'm going to leave everything to him and my other friend to finish you off hopefully I've got other more pressing matters to attend to after all didn't you hear there's another outbreak happening in Las Vegas right now

wait what another outbreak but that's... Very unlikely jets of one zombie outbreak in one place is very rare at least of this scale for it happened twice in the same time period it's just unheard of: was it you who did that did you start a zombie apocalypse in Las Vegas

the shadowy figure shrugged: no I didn't but I'm not complaining more chaos to fuel my power don't worry you'll see me again the next time it will be on my terms

jess pointed the gun and started shooting but before any of the bullets hit the mysterious figure just snapped his fingers and he was gone in a puff of smoke he just disappeared

we walk over to where he once stood and there was nothing no indication of who he was delegation of what he was was just gone and only one thing came to my mind: what in the actual fuck was that?

izuku pulled out the walkie-talkie: Juliet we have some good news and some really bad confusing news

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