zombie time bombs 💣🧟‍♂️🧟

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The zombie hunter team reunited in the secret bunker with Isabella working on her computer, she was surprised to see them back so fast, but she was more surprised with his Izuku holding her brothers necklace she knew what it meant, but it still hurt to realise what happened

Izuku hand her the necklace: sorry, but your brother is gone... And we were unable to get the password. His brain was well put it in a blender it's doubtful he even remembered his own name.

Isabella took the necklace, Juliet made a comment: but we think that the password is something important to him and Personal, so it's most likely that you know it can you think of anything

Isabella: i'll see what I can do

She went back to working on the computer. Meanwhile, the zombie hunters gathered up to have a discussion pacifically about the military

Jess: the military is here, and it looks like they're sweeping through the mall, getting rid of all the other zombies they've got machine guns, body armour, and grenades. I doubt that we could take them. If we tried even with the Cordus suburbs shooting skills, we still talking about taking down an entire military infantry.

Cordelia: as much as I hate, admitting it, she's right, even if I wasn't low on ammunition, there's no way I could take down a military squad, plus we have no idea how many they actually are

Rosalind: well when me and Jess saw them there was at least 30 of them so we know that there is more than 30 scouring through the mall. There are probably more outside guarding the perimeter, but we did see another guy with a scar over his eye. he looked like he was in charge of the whole operation. he did also kind of give off that cliche bad guy vibe.

Izuku: well that's good at least we know who's in charge a horse comes to worst. We could take out the commander and the soldiers might become confused on who they need to take orders from for a little while giving us a small time to escape, but hopefully it won't come to that now that we are getting out of here now

Juliet: what about the luti-I mean gathering up things that were already going to be destroyed

Izuku: we don't have time for that, sure, we have a day before the bomb drops but with a military now lurking around, there's no time for us to get things we want and stay hidden. It's too risky so we need to get out of here.

Jess: I agree, there is no way we can sneak around gathering up money supplies without being noticed by the army. It was one thing when there was just zombies but zombies and the army we wouldn't stand much of a chance. It's best that we just cut our losses and get out of here, while we can.

Rosland: okay, well there goes that fun, but whatever we can use the sewer tunnels that we used to get the people out of here we should be out within I'd say 15 minutes, assuming there are no unforeseen circumstances

None of us on the hunters admitted it, but when the youngest of the sisters said that they had the sudden chill down their spines, like she was a foreshadowing something that was yet to come, but they were fairly certain it was just there emotions getting the best of them, or at least they hoped so

They were pulled out of these foreshadowing thoughts when Isabella called them over, she had figured out the password and was now showing the encrypted files on her brothers computer : I was right it is some sort of antibiotic. However, it doesn't give an exact time of how long it works. It all depends on the subject. It could last for 24 hours a week maybe a year at Best, but it does seem like the minimum is 24 hours.

Izuku looking at the screen: and no sign of a cure?

Isabella shook her head: if there is one, my brother never told me about it and he took it to his grave. There is no mention of any kind of cure, not even a theory of one

Juliet: great, just great what's the point of even releasing this thing, even if we know how to make it unless someone's got a functioning lab somewhere in their pants, there's no way we could even make something like this. I'm looking at the ingredients I don't even know what half this stuff is!

Cordelia: well, that's just great! Without even a possibility of a cure, we Basically we just be turning people into zombie time bombs

Something about the way that the older sister said, those words caught Isabella's attention: time bombs... time bombs that's it that was my brother's plan

Izuku: what are you talking about?

(Okay just so you guys know I'm going to be going change the story just a little bit)

Isabella: something my brother did, that didn't make any sense to me at the time, he set it up a refugee camp for all the tourists that visited our town during the tragedy, the majority of these people were Americans, but some of them were also visiting Home and then going back to the Home in the states when the tragedy hits the thing I didn't understand was my brother hated the American government so why would he...

Jess finish the sentence: why would he try helping anyone from America?

Isabella: you're right, it didn't make sense to me. He was feeding them giving them homes everything before they had to go back and now I'm beginning to think there was something else he had in mind. He said these people were from all over America, he even paid for the travel so I have a list of them and where they all are and who they are on the computer

She then pulled up the list of people there was 52 of them in all they were all in different states of America: and thinking about it, before that my brother was talking about how to get revenge on the government how to weaponise the very thing that destroyed our home by using Queens, the bugs that end up creating the zombies he did research and how to keep them dormant for very long time that's where he got the formula for this antibiotic it keeps the parasite dormant, but like a bomb it has a timer

Izuku beginning to realise what she saying: are you saying that your brother infected these people and then gave him the antibiotic, knowing that they would return to America and eventually spread the disease?

Isabella nodded: yes, and these people are all over the place we heard about an outbreak in Las Vegas, one of the people that visited my home before it was attacked was from Vegas

Jess: this was your brother's back up line in case things didn't go according to plan this was his contingency to make sure America burns what did, no matter how long it takes.

Juliet: forget about Las Vegas, for all, we know the entire country could be infested with zombies by now

Izuku had to come up with a plan and he came up with one pretty fast: Juliet to take a picture of the list of names once you've done that Isabella delete all references to the visitors

Rosalind, confused, as were the others: what why?

Izuku: think about it, the military is looking for a way to weaponise zombies and on that laptop, there is a gift wrapped weaponised version that they've been looking for. They just need to get their hands on one of the ticking time bombs that haven't gone off and they'll be able to find out how to infect people and send them home with the infection

Cordelia: allowing that to be completely no link to the American government, even if someone found out about it or suspected it, they would never be able to prove it. All the evidence would be walking corpse he's right we need to delete that information

Juliet: okay, but then why are we keeping a copy aren't we risking it?

Izuku: don't worry, I have a plan, here's what we're gonna do....

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