Operation Mongoose

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You guys I am in utter shock and I am shaking and asdfghjkl.

Thank god I took notes because otherwise this review would never happen efficiently.

So from the beginning.

So Isaac the total idiot that knows nothing about selling tvs is a salesman and it is Christmas in like the 50's or 60's in our world.

His boss is a total jerk face and tells him he is a sucky writer and so he gets all mad and then the apprentice makes him the author.

So Rumple is over here obviously feeling really terrible and hopeful and I started to cry a little and cut to Charming family meeting and they are running around trying to save the day....which the fail....


But let's not get ahead of ourselves.

So Henry wakes up after being knocked out, and somehow Storybrooke is still there.

Now I think this was just for the sake of the plot, but last time everyone left Storybrooke because the curse never happened Storybrooke left the planet, now it is still standing strong and vacant....yeah.

So Henry is running around looking for people and when no one is there, he steals Regina's car (looks like those driving lessons from last season paid off)and LEAVES STORYBROOKE to go and try and find everyone.


There is a curse on the town line, if you leave and you are wrong YOU CAN NOT GET BACK IN.

Regardless he is right and he goes to a diner, which I am guessing is the same diner that Robin was sent to by Regina after Heroes and Villains.

He asks the lady working at the desk if she has seen any of these people *insert pictures of all the charmings plus extended family*

She thinks he is crazy and calls child services so while Henry sees Isaac's book and ditches the joint to hunt him down.

He finds him while he is giving an inspirational speech about following your dreams and ignoring people that try and knock you down.

I just sat there like "Adam and Eddy you bastards wrote this character to represent you!"

So that girl is fangirling over Regina and I am sitting there like, you do realize that you are talking to the the biggest evil regal out there? I mean Isaac wrote FANFICTION FOR HER!

Moving on, Henry pulls him aside and Isaac is telling him how he won't be a knight in shining armor, and that Emma wasn't in the book.

Um one,HENRY WOULDN'T EXIST IF EMMA DIDNT, and two, that knight thing becomes a joke later on...

So they go into the book...


So rumple saves the day...

And Henry runs off to find Regina...

So I will say that Bandit Regina looked like Katniss Everdeen in that braid and bow...

Then we get MAJOR season one throwbacks because Regina calls Henry crazy so now we have a two character layer for Regina; she is Snow and Emma.

Cut to Isaac who gets caught in a trap set by...wait for it...the seven dwarves.

Yeah...didn't see that one coming...

So the seven dwarves translate to the dark knights...I can fly with that.

Cut to Snow with Isaac about to kill him and she makes Charming the Huntsman come in to do it for her or something, and Isaac talks her out of it and gets her to go after Regina.

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