Chapter 26

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(I know I said I had something interesting for you guys to read for chapter 25 but since I forgot what I wrote, then the chapter was a bit short. So sorry!)

Third POV

The 118 gets back to the station as a familiar pair of people are there to greet them after they get out of the trucks.

''Rick, Lou, it's nice to see you guys.'' Bobby says as he greets them, ''But I'm guessing you're not just here to say hello.'' He added.

''Hey Bobby, and no. We're not here just to say hi. Although it is nice to see you too.'' Rick said, ''We're actually here for Montse.'' He gesture to Montse.

''Is she in any trouble?'' Buck asked.

''No, none of that. Just that we're having a meeting about work from yesterday and Montse has to be present also, since she was with us also.'' Rick clarified.

''Right now? But I just started learning stuff.'' Montse said in order to stay. She didn't really want to go to the meeting. Mostly because she was too tired to do anything right now.

''You can come back later.'' Lou said.

Montse huffed. ''Fine. I'll go get my bag.'' She said as she went upstairs. A few moments later she came down and left with Lou and Rick.

The rest of the crew went to do something. Bobby went to his office to do some paperwork, Hen started reading, Chim was playing on the pinball machine, Ravi was watching TV, lastly Buck and Eddie we're playing UNO, again.

Buck was taking the lead as Eddie was actually losing this time. But Eddie didn't really seem to mind if he was losing, as long as it brought Buck a smile on his face then it's worth it. Buck on the other hand, wasn't just smiling because he was winning, he was also smiling because he was remembering what had happened the last time they were playing UNO. And he was wondering if that would happen. Eddie was thinking the same thing as what Buck was thinking about. He hopes it will happen again sometime soon.

Ravi gets up from the couch to the bathroom. He comes back notices the way Eddie was looking at Buck. He then quickly went to where Hen and Chim were. ''Do you guys also see how Eddie is looking at Buck? Or is it just me?'' He asked them.

''It's not just you probie.'' Hen replied without looking up from her book.

''I did miss a lot, didn't I?''


''Should we tell him about the bet?'' Chim said to Hen.

''What bet?'' Ravi asked.

Hen put her book down, wrapped her hands together and smiled. ''Sit down Probie, gotta explain what is happening.'' Hen gestured to the chair in front of her. Ravi sat down and Hen started to explain the bet that Montse...modified, to say the least.


''Wow. And you guys agreed on it?'' Ravi asked.

''Well Hen here didn't want to lose so she agreed.'' Chim clarified.

''Hey you also agreed on it so if I'm going down then you're going down with me.'' Hen said.

The three of them laughed as Bobby came in the room. ''What are you guys laughing about?'' He asked.

''Telling Probie here about the bet.'' Hen replied.

''And how if she loses, we'll go down with her too.'' Chim added.

This made Bobby chuckle a bit. ''We are going to pay $350 dollars though if we did lose.''

''Are we going to pay $350 dollars each or..'' Ravi said.

''No, everyone in the firehouse is going to pitch in to make $350 dollars.'' Bobby clarified. ''Except for Buck and Eddie of course.'' He added.

They continue talking when the alarm rings and they get ready to go out. Buck and Eddie were on their second round of UNO but quickly went to get their stuff on when the alarm rang. They both decided to finish the game when they came back.


The job was easy. Just a man who got his leg trapped in a bear-trap. He wasn't severely injured but did hurt his leg pretty badly. He was going to be alright. They soon got another call of a car on fire and they went to go put it out. No one was in the car so that was good. On their third call, that's when things shifted a little. Their third call was a two-story house fire, there were still some people trapped in the house so everyone in the 118 hurried over to the house fire.

They get there and as soon as they got out, a teenage girl ran towards them. ''Help! My dad and my little sister are trapped!''

''We will help. Tell us what happened.'' Bobby said.

''I came to take out the trash and then I heard an explosion. My dad and sister were inside when the explosion happened!'' She told them.

''Alright.'' Bobby said as he turned to face the team. ''Buck, Eddie, get ready to go inside. Hen, Chim, you guys are on standby. The rest of you, get on top of the trucks and hose down the flames.'' He said. They all went to work.

Buck and Eddie started to put on the oxygen masks and were ready to go in the house. They were just waiting for Bobby to give them the go. Once the flames were down a little, Bobby gave Buck and Eddie the go and they went inside the house. 


Moments later, Eddie came out of the house carrying the father of the teenage girl. But Buck and the little girl weren't behind them. Eddie puts the father on the stretcher so that Hen and Chim can assist him. ''Where's Buck?'' Bobby asked. 

''He went upstairs to look for the little girl.'' Eddie responded, there was a hint of worry in Eddie's voice but had to keep it under control. He couldn't let his uneasiness get a hold of him because if it did, he would most likely go back in the burning house to get Buck out. 

The house began to make a cracking sound and everyone knew it was bad news. Especially Eddie. ''Buck, the house is going to collapse. Get out of there.'' Bobby said through the radio. There was no response. ''Buck, can you read me? The house is going to collapse any minute. Get out of there!'' He said again. Again, no response. Everyone now were looking at the house, waiting for Buck to appear through the door. 

Eddie was looking up at the second floor windows when he spotted Buck. ''Look! He's over there!'' He pointed to the first window on the second floor. ''And he has the little girl!'' He added. Everyone looked at where Eddie was pointing. They were happy Buck was okay but all acted quickly to get them out of there. 

''Alright, Eddie you're going up there. Chim you go with him.'' Bobby said. Eddie and Chim nodded and started to get ready. Eddie went up the ladder first and then Chim. Eddie got to the top and instructed Buck to step back so he could break the window. Buck moved back with the little girl and Eddie broke the window. He made sure there was no glass so Buck and the little girl could get through. 

The little girl went through the window and Eddie made a bit of space so she can get down to where Chim is, who was a few feet behind. Once the girl was with Chim, Eddie turned his attention to Buck. ''Your turn.'' He said to Buck. 

Buck nodded as Eddie moved back to Buck and can get through the window and onto the ladder. From there, both Buck and Eddie made it down safely. And the family they saved was alright. They had to go to the hospital for a full checkup. Hen and Chim went to the hospital as the others packed up and went back to the station. 


Eddie saw Buck alone near the locker room and was about to walk towards him to talk to him but then Buck's girlfriend appeared out of nowhere and started to talk to Buck. Eddie was getting a bit jealous as she was talking to him but decided to talk to him later and walked away. Jealousy begins to appear on his face. 

(So for the short chapter. Had to update quickly today as today was the 5th day (edit: make that the 6th day as I had to post before 9:46 pm pacific time but updated a few minutes late) for me to update a chapter. More of Eddie's jealousy in the next chapter. Might update a bit sooner if I finish the next chapter.)

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