Chapter 49

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Hen's POV

My alarm ranged. I turned it off. I yawned and got up. I made my way to my closet and got my clothes and then started to change for work. Once I was finished, I left my room and went to make breakfast.

I was about to go in the kitchen but decided to check on Regina. I walked over to her and saw that there were two night lights on the table that was in the middle of the living room. I was confused. Was she afraid of the dark? I thought. I simply brushed it off and decided to ask her about it later.


Once I was finished making breakfast, I went to wake up Denny.

I knocked softly on his door and then opened it. ''Denny, it's time to—''

''I'm ready momma.''

I was baffled. Denny was already changed and ready to go.

''Uh, okay. Well, breakfast is ready.''

''Okay.'' Denny said happily and left his room, I followed after.

Denny walked over to the couch to talk to Regina, but frowned after seeing Regina was still asleep. He walked back towards me. ''What's wrong?'' I whispered to him.

''She's still asleep.'' He whispered back. ''I wanted to play Roblox with her before I left for school.'' He added.

''Why don't we gently wake her up. Okay?''


We both made our way over to Regina. ''Ready?'' I said to Denny.

''Yeah.'' Denny nodded.

''Regina, it's time to wake up.'' I said as I shook her shoulder lightly.

''I don't want to go to school. 5 more minutes.'' She groans.

Both Denny and I couldn't help but chuckle a bit.

''Regina, wake up. Momma made breakfast.'' Denny said to her as he shook her shoulder again.

''Momma? We never call mom ''momma''. Who--'' Regina began to say, confused, before she sat up. ''Oh, it's just you guys.'' She said as she rubbed her eyes.

''Who did you think it was?'' Denny asked and giggled.

''Either my mom or my annoying brothers.'' Regina replied and yawned a bit.

''You shouldn't call your brothers annoying.'' I said to her.

''I know. But they really are annoying.''

''Still. Now come on, breakfast is ready.''

''I'm up.'' She finished saying and got up.

The three of us went into the kitchen to get some breakfast.


Once we finished setting up the table, we all sat down to eat. Karen, who came in while we were setting up the table, was eating a bit fast. ''Karen, we got plenty of time to eat. There's no need to be eating fast.'' I said to her.

''Sorry babe, but I got called for a meeting at the lab today and I don't want to be late.'' She replied.

''You're a scientist?'' Regina asked Karen.

''Rocket Scientist.'' Karen corrects her.

''Yeah, she makes rockets and sends them to the moon!'' Denny adds excitedly.

''Cool.'' Regina replied with a smile.

''I know right.'' Denny said and then started to eat again.

I looked over to Karen and gave her the See, she's not a bad person look and she gave me the don't look. I chuckled softly and began to eat again.

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