Chapter 55

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Third POV

''How was your nap?'' Regina asked and ate some Fresas con Crema that she made.

''It was good.'' Karen replied.

''You slept well?''

''Yes, I did.''

''Good.'' Regina ate some more. ''You want some? They're Fresas con Crema. Strawberries and Cream. It's a very delicious Mexican dessert.'' She asked Karen, moving the bowl towards her.

Karen looked at the bowl for a moment. She then looked inside the bowl and in fact there were strawberries inside with a cream substance mixed with it. Karen was a bit suspicious about it.

Regina noticed Karen's suspicion. ''Don't worry, there's no poison nor drugs in it.'' Regina clarified to her and ate more of the delicious dessert as she was on her phone. ''If you don't want any, then don't get any.'' She added.

Karen didn't like the way Regina was talking to her. But she did ''overhear'' Regina's conversation and it does sound like Regina wants peace between them. So Karen, hesitantly, went to the cabinets and got a small bowl and spoon.

She went back to the counter and pulled the big bowl towards her, with the dessert in it, and put some of it in her small bowl. She set the big bowl back down and grabbed her spoon putting it into her small bowl. She pulled it up to her face, looking at it before she put it in her mouth.

She made a disgusting face as she started to chew on the pieces of strawberries, but then stopped chewing. She couldn't believe what she was tasting. The taste on her tongue was so...tasteful and deliciously good! She wanted more.

She put the spoon inside the bowl again. She was about to put the spoon in her again but stopped. She looked at Regina. Regina was watching something on her phone thus not paying attention to Karen at the moment.

Karen then proceeded to put the spoon in her mouth. She groans as she enjoys the Fresas con Crema. She ate some more knowing she really likes it. No, she doesn't like them. SHE LOVES THEM! She couldn't get enough of them. She wanted more! She could just get the whole bowl and eat it all.

Wait! I can't just take the whole bowl. If I did eat the whole bowl, then Regina would know that I liked it! She can't know! No way! Karen thought.

Even though Karen wanted more, she didn't get anymore as to not allow any suspicion that she loved the Fresas con Crema that Regina made.

Karen put her small bowl and spoon in the sink and began washing it. Little did she know, Regina knew that she liked her Fresas con Crema. But Regina will pretend that she doesn't know until Karen is ready to admit.


''I'm home.'' Hen said as she closed the front door behind her.

''Hey momma.'' Denny said.

''Hey Hen.'' Regina said.

''Hey guys. Where's Karen?'' She asked.

''In the kitchen.'' Regina replied.


Hen went to the kitchen. ''Hey.'' Hen said and then gave Karen a kiss.

Karen kissed her back. ''Hey. How was work?'' Karen asked.

''It was good.''


''How did your meeting go?''

''It went good.''

''That's good. How was it with Regina?''

Karen didn't replied.


Karen sighed. ''She was on her best behavior.'' Karen finally said, although she didn't add the part that Regina gave her a bit of attitude.

''See! She's not a bad person.''

''But, I may have overheard her talking to her prison friends through the phone.'' Karen added.

''What? Karen, you were eavesdropping on her?'' Hen asked in shock and was a tad bit disappointed that she eavesdropped on Regina.

''No, I wasn't eavesdropping on her. I was about to go in the kitchen when I heard her talking to someone.'' Karen defended herself.

''And how would you know she was talking to her 'prison friends'?''

''Because I heard her say 'prison'. That's how I know.''

''Still, you shouldn't be hearing other people's conversations.''

''I know. But I still don't trust her. Especially now now that we know she's friends with prisoners.''

''Maybe she's still friends with them because she feels bad for them.'' Hen suggested.

''No, it can't be that. She sounded so happy when she talked to them. She even said that she misses them.''

''Karen, we shouldn't suspect things about her yet.''

''Are you saying I'm lying?''

''I'm not saying you're lying. All I'm saying is that we shouldn't suspect anything yet without a valid reason to do so.''

Karen sighs as she knows Hen is right. ''Fine. But, there is something else.''


''It's going to have to wait after dinner. It's nothing serious. You'll know soon enough.''

Hen was confused at what Karen had meant. Even though Karen said that it wasn't anything serious, Hen was still worried about what she meant. But Hen will have to wait after dinner to know what Karen had meant.

(Hey! I know i know, I haven't uploaded as I said I will. But I've been busy lately since...I FINALLY GOT A JOB! Well, I actually started on Monday, September 18, 2023 so It's been a month, I guess, since I got the job.

I know you want more but I've been having writer's block! It's the worst! But I've got an announcement to make. I'm writing a new book! I know I said I wasn't going to write new books until I finish this one but I've got many to tell. It won't be the ones I said before. Or maybe it is? I don't know. But I will make a new one.

Don't worry, I won't abandon this story. But I won't upload every 5 days as I planned before. I just hope you guys are still interested in this story.
Love you guys!

Also, sorry for the chapter was short😕)

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