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by localdanicakes

Mike sat on the edge of his bed, hands fumbling in his lap. A quiet tune played over the radio sitting on his wooden desk, Time After Time by Cyndi Lauper. He loved the song, but that's not where his mind was tonight. His curly, ravenette hair laid messily against his pale face. In a little less than twenty-three minutes, his last middle school dance, the Snow Ball, would be starting. The young boy wasn't going. After everything that's happened, how could he face a crowd who didn't know? He fell back onto the mattress with a sigh as a familiar boy slipped his way into Mike's mind again.

Lying in my bed I hear the clock tick and think of you. Caught up in circles, confusion is nothing new.

Will Byers. Mike's very best friend for as long as anyone could remember. His perfect porcelain face with that charming smile stayed in Mike's mind no matter what he did. His beautiful hazel green eyes and chestnut brown hair rested on his pale complexion with gorgeous pink lips which were always upturned in a grin. God, Mike thought to himself that he'd give anything to be with Will tonight.

Flashback, Warm nights almost left behind. Suitcase of memories.

Every night was like this, The ravenette found himself practically swooning over the guy he called his best friend. How could he go on like this? He wasn't going to sit around again, not tonight. Mike got out of his bed and slipped on his shoes and stole a glance at the time. Seventeen minutes until the supposed 'greatest night of his life yet' was going to start. What was he even thinking? He froze in front of his window as the rain hit it quietly, wondering if Will would even be home. He didn't think Will would pass up an opportunity to get away from his mom for a bit, even as much as he loved her. Then again, Will wasn't big on social events after the incident of November 83. Pushing out his tendency to overthink, his hand flipped the lock of his window and pushed it open.

Time after sometimes you picture me, I'm walking too far ahead.

The ravenette climbed out onto the wet roof, pulling his window almost closed. He carefully followed the path down that a certain Steve Harrington used to take to shimmy in his sister's window. His shoes hit the wet grass with a small splash. He took in a deep breath as the rain hit his clothes then started making his way to the Byers' house.

You're calling to me, I can't hear what you've said.

His footing pace picked up as his shoes collided with the damp gravel and asphalt of the road. The dark clouds above him reflected the many streetlights ever so slightly, giving a more calming touch to the atmosphere. The droplets of rain were cool, hitting the pale boy with gentle force as he ran down the street.

Then you say, go slow. I fall behind, the second hand unwinds.

If you're lost you can look and you will find me, Time after time.

If you fall I will catch you, I'll be waiting. Time after time.

If anyone asked Mike what he was doing running to Will Byers's house past ten o'clock on the night of the school dance, he wouldn't have an answer for them. But now, He was standing at the end of the road. There was no turning back now as the faint illumination coming from the windows lit up the path softly. Mike was so close to doing what he should've done years ago.

After my picture fades and darkness has turned to gray. Watching through windows, you're wondering if I'm okay.

He started running again, not wanting to waste another minute. The ground beneath him squished gingerly as he put pressure on the wettened mixture. His curly dark hair, damped by the weather, still bounced slightly with every move he made.

Secrets stolen from deep inside. The drum beats out of time.

His heart pounded, threatening to jump out of his chest as he stood in front of the glass. Gathering his composure, he knocked on the window. His thoughts swirled with fear and worry as he impatient awaited a response. Not before long, The golden boy he came to see appeared in the window. Will opened it with a confused look, "Mike! What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be at the dance?" He questioned.

"Will... I..." Mike started, and immediately his sentence fell apart, "Will you go to the dance with me...?" He looked up at his best friend with a red blush starting to form on his cold cheeks. "If we leave now, we might have enough time to still make it there when it starts" He rambled on.

Will, who was stunned with a red face just stared at Mike. "Will...?" Worried he scared Will into hating him, and he spoke with caution.

"Let me grab my shoes," The brunette said with a small smile. Mike just smiled back, watching as Will fumbled across the room to slip on his shoes and jacket. Guess it was lucky they both were dressed up, just to be dressed up. Will walked back to the window, Mike reached his hand out to help Will down. Will took it, hopping out and hitting the ground with a quiet giggle.

If you're lost you can look and you will find me. Time after time.

If you fall, I will catch you. I will be waiting. Time after time.

The two boys started running back down the softly lit road towards the school with their hands still together. Neither of them knew what time it was, nor if they were going to make it on time. Neither of them cared anymore, this was already the best night of their lives and they hadn't even gotten to dance yet. It wasn't long before they approached the school. Mike looked at the school, then at their hands, then at Will's glistening face in the rain and light. "Will, do you want to...?" He dropped the end of his sentence, knowing the message would be conveyed. "No...," Will spoke back softly, tightening his grip on Mike's, "Together, remember?" He said with a cheesy smile. That stupidly cute smile. Mike just grinned back, both of their faces becoming light shades of pink. As an unspoken symbol, both of them slowly started walking to the doors. Mike's hand wrapped around the cool metal handle as he opened the door for Will.

You said go slow, I fall behind. The second hand unwinds.

The two of them looked in awe at the area. The decorations, gorgeous lights, and even the people were astonished to see. Mike stood taking in the night for a moment. He was standing there, hand in hand with his best friend, looking over a beautiful room full of people dancing and just enjoying life for once. He was pulled out of his thoughts when Will tugged his hand, "You didn't bring me here just to stand around, did you, Wheeler? Let's go dance!". Will never failed to make Mike's heart flutter. Following Will to the dance floor, he smiled.

If you're lost you can look and you will find me. Time after time.

If you fall I will catch you, I will be waiting.

Mike's hands found their way to Will's waist and Will's on Mike's shoulders. Both of them chuckled a bit at how cheesy this was. Some people gave them weird looks. Some ignored them. But nothing like that mattered tonight. Mike's dark brown eyes stayed locked with Will's hazel-green ones. They both shared a red tint on their pale complexions. "Byers... Can I tell you something?" Mike's tone was hushed. Will only nodded. "I uh...," Mike stumbled over his words again as his blush deepened, "Will I think I love you-..." he blurted out. Will's eyes widened as Mike continued to ramble on, "I've loved you since the day we met, Everything about you is so amazing to me, I can't even explain it- You're... you're fucking gorgeous. I'm sorry it took me nearly thirteen years to figure it out. Thank you for coming with me tonight, this is the best night of my life and I understand if this changes our friendship, I don't blame you if you want to stop being frie-" Mike was cut off my Will grabbing his jacket and kissing him. Mike could've sworn his face was as red as the fruit punch being served across the room. "I love you, too, Wheeler...always have..." Will giggled after he spoke, being about as red as his ravenette counterpart. "This night just became even better!" Mike exclaimed, still quiet so the news didn't travel. Mike pulled Will a little bit closer and placed one of his hands on Will's pale skin. Both of them leaned in until their lips softly met once more in pure ecstasy. They were in love.

Time after time.

Time after time.

Time after time.

Time after,


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