couldnt watch

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by insert_creative_username

 couldn't stay there. Before he could think twice, Mike mounted his bike and pedaled away, choking back sobs as he rode across the slick street. He didn't care if he slipped or swerved or fell. It would be nothing compared to the pain he was feeling right now.
After what felt like two seconds, Mike arrived at his house, only to find Will at his doorstep. Will turned around at the noise of the brakes of Mike's bike.
"Mike, I know your uncle never visited yesterday afternoon."
Why did Will have to know Mike so well?
"Nope, he did, he just-"
"Hey, Mike?" Will said, his doe eyes suddenly making Mike's heart pound even faster.
"You know I care about you, right?"
Mike didn't know if it was Will's words, the genuineness of Will's tone, or just Will, but something made Mike run over to Will and hug him. Will melted into the hug, not complaining about how Mike was probably making him even more drenched. After a moment of comfortable silence, Mike spoke up.
"Do you want to come inside? I can make you some tea and get you and myself a change of clothing. If you want, that is."
Will nodded, taking off his wet shoes to leave on the doormat. Mike opened the door, gesturing for Will to enter. Will walked in with Mike following.
"Where were you last night?" Karen asked. Mike's thoughts started racing as he searched for a believable response. Luckily, Will did it for him.
"He slept over at my place. I'm sorry he didn't tell you."
Karen shook her head, disappointed in her son.
"Mike, next time, just call me and let me know. I was getting worried."
"Yes, mom," Mike said, grateful his mom bought Will's lie. "By the way, can I make Will some tea? And, can you give him one of my t-shirts and jeans to wear? His clothing is soaking wet."
Karen nodded as Mike left to walk in the kitchen to brew Will's favorite: Peppermint with just a bit of honey. When the tea was done, Mike brought it to the table in the basement where he knew Will would be waiting for him. And there he was, under a ton of fluffy blankets. Mike's face reddened. Why did Will have to look so cuddly like that?
Mike didn't know he was staring until Will started talking.
"Hey, are you gonna sit down? I swear, I'll share the blankets."
Mike snapped back to reality, nodded, and sat down beside Will.
"Also, do you want to watch Back to the Future?" Will asked Mike, who looked at Will with a confused expression.
"Didn't you and Caleb watch it?"
Will shook his head. "He gave up on it ten minutes in. He said the plot was too weird for him. I wanted to kick him out of the house when he said that. First of all, how dare he, Back to the Future is a cinematic masterpiece. Second of all, it's our movie. Our tradition. You know?"
Mike's heart stopped and melted at the same time. He couldn't stop himself from smiling, even though he probably looked like a dork. But with Will, he didn't really care. It was easy with him.
"Yeah, let's watch it and appreciate it even more out of pure spite!" Mike said, making Will let out a laugh. God, Will's laugh was so cute. He could hear it all day and never get tired of it.
Will got the remote and cued up the movie as Mike tried and failed to avoid staring at his hand. Will's hands looked so safe and warm, like mittens on a snowy day. Mike wished he could squeeze them tightly whenever he felt like feeling closer and closer to Will. But he couldn't ask. He just set his hands down close (but not too close) to Will's, and waited, checking sometimes to see if he was staring too. And sometimes, he was. Will's eyes would meet him with a smile, like they just exchanged a secret without saying a word. Then, when Mike decided to look just one more time, Will returned his gaze and slowly fit his hand into Mike's and intertwined their fingers. Mike's heart fluttered, and then relaxed. Their hands stayed like that, none of them really moving. Mike never wanted to let go, but he knew Will would eventually. To Mike's surprise, they were still holding hands at the end of the movie.
"So, why did you lie about your uncle?" Will said as the credits started rolling.
Mike's mind blanked, not knowing what to say. There were so many things he could tell Will, but that would make Will not want to hold his hand. Once again, Mike pulled away, letting go of Will's hand. Will looked at him just like his heart sunk, and that's when Mike knew Will deserved the truth.
"If you really want to know, it's because I... I couldn't stand to see you with Caleb. I know he's going to replace me and you're not gonna wanna hang out with me anymore and forget about me and call him on your walkie and play DnD with him and want about Back to the Future and-"
"Mike," Will said in a firm yet soft voice, interrupting Mike's tangent. "You know I love you, right?"
Mike's brain could not process those words, so he just sat there like a dumbfounded idiot.
"Are you sure?" Mike asked Will, who gave Mike a small smile.
"Yes, Mike. Heck, you're the one thing I'm sure about."
Mike squeezed Will's hand, and Will squeezed his back.
"I love you too," Mike said, his heart overflowing with joy as he saw Will beam. "Hey, can I ki-"
Will knew what Mike was about to say and interrupted him with an answer. His lips smashed against Mike's. Mike's eyes widened as his hands made their way onto Will's shoulders. Mike closed his eyes, savoring the kiss, then coming back for more, making the gap between them smaller and smaller. When Mike opened his eyes, he saw Jonathan behind Will, waiting for them to notice he was there so he could take Will home. Mike gave Jonathan the finger, Jonathan taking the signal and waiting outside the door. They kissed again and again, drowning in the passion that consumed them till they heard knocks on the door. Will sighed, getting up to open the door and see his brother standing outside.
"I'm sorry, Mom wants you home now. Before you ask, I'll give you two more minutes!" Jonathan said, knowingly smirking at Mike. Mike's cheeks reddened, making him even more flustered. Thankfully, Jonathan gave them some space and went to wait in his car.
Mike squeezed Will's hand, as if it was their new secret language of "I love you"'s. Will laughed, kissing Mike on the cheek, letting Mike take him by the hand and drag him downstairs.
After exchanging goodbyes, they finally parted, Will running to the car. Mike stayed in his backyard for awhile, watching Will wave goodbye once again through the car window. For that moment, Mike knew Will would truly stay.

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