Chapter One

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Your head rested against the glass of the rain-covered train window, a faint smile set into your features. A single raindrop caught your eye, you watched as it raced against the hundreds of others. It ran and ran until eventually, it merged with another, the two stuck together like magnets, beginning to flow together. It reminded you of Remus, a lot of things seemed to remind you of him. Though that was to be expected, you hadn't seen him since last year. Outside of the letters you'd occasionally receive from him, you'd not had much contact at all.

Part of you worried if he was still the same loving man he was, in your heart, you were certain there was no change at all. As time went on, your worries had grown from the size of a pea to the size of a tennis ball. Unsure of whether you were just nervous or excited to see the messy-haired man you'd grown to love again, your knee jolted up and down. Being home was just as terrible as always, if not slightly worse. Your family had made it a point to be overly excited about your sibling going to Hogwarts, enthusing them about how they were going to be such a good Gryffindor.

You could remember the look of worry they had on their face when they asked what would happen if they were sorted into another house, a question that was received with a lot of hushed voices, and glances were thrown across the room in your direction. "Well... You can ask your sister about that! Can't she, (Y/N)?" You let out a huff at the question, not only did they just misuse your sibling's pronouns, but they assumed you wouldn't give Mars, a real answer. "You'll be excluded, just like I am. But I'll always be here for you." Your blunt response had been met with gasps, but you weren't about to lie to them. They deserved better than that.

They had instructed Mars to sit in a different carriage, with those they'd believed would be Gryffindors. It made you sick to your stomach, the thought of your sibling being treated the way you had been since first year. At least you had Valerie, let alone the grace of Remus. You hadn't seen either of them yet, simply hoping to assume that Valerie hadn't found you yet. This train ride had only been an hour long so far and you'd already found yourself crippling under the pressure of your own thoughts.

Standing abruptly from your seat, you startled the two other students in your carriage. Giving them a small, sorry smile, you quickly left the booth in search of your friend. Waiting for her to find you had only caused you more worry, than if you had sought her out, to begin with. Passing booth after booth full of students, you finally came to a stop as you saw her. Your mind racing at the sight.

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