Chapter Three

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Your heartbeat faltered as you heard professor McGonagall's voice bound through the great hall once again. "Mars (L/N)!" All your anxiety returned with their name, your eyes darting away from your lover, latching onto the shaken form of your younger sibling. As they made their way up the stairs, you saw them shoot their shoulder with hope. As they sat down, the hat was lowered onto their head. It glowered, furrowing as it tried to place them.

After what felt like an eternity of mumbling, the hat came to a decision. "Hufflepuff!" Relief and dread flooded you at the same time, never again were they going to be accepted by the family. You were certain that they would receive a howler the next day, but you were glad they had you. Their little eyes grew glossy, filled with tears for the millionth time that day as they ran to find you on the Hufflepuff table. Standing up, you wrapped your arms around them just as you had done hours before, covering them as you ushered them to sit beside you.

"What's going to happen?" Their voice was barely a shakey whisper, their glossy eyes staring back at you, full of fear. "Nothing. Nothing as long as you have me." You were going to make sure that they treated Mars fairly, no matter what house they had been placed in. Loyalty came to you as easily as breathing, you couldn't understand why your Gryffindor family weren't the same.

Snapping another glance up at the dark arts teacher, you caught a look in his eye. Concern. Something that you'd seen etch so many thoughts into his beautiful brain. Giving him a reassuring smile, you turned your attention back to your fragile sibling once more, making sure they knew they were safe. After a short while, you believed they'd come to terms with what had happened, starting to make small talk with the other Hufflepuffs around them.

Once every new first year had been sorted, professor Dumbledore said a few words as he did at the start of every school year. From reminders about out-of-bounds corridors to which professors taught what. By the time he'd finished his speech, you were more than ready to devour the feast that appeared in front of you. Loading different foods on your plate, you hungrily dug in. 'God those house elves do it every time!' You mentally rejoiced as you filled your mouth with roast potatoes.

After eating, you excused yourself before heading to the Hufflepuff common room, missing the comfort of your bed. You knew a prefect would be showing the first year's where it was, alongside the password- which always involved some sort of barrel tapping. Eventually, you made it to your dorm room, flopping down on the black and yellow sheets you'd grown to love for the past six years. Snuggling your head into your pillow, you let out a sigh of comfort, "It's good to be back..." You muttered as you slipped into a nap-like sleep

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